Luna Sheriff Mislers the Commission for More than Subpoenas of Incomplete Subpoenas

Sheriff Robert Luna has accused the carcon of the Calivil Commission on the community this week, asking the Court to be accompanied by Sufoinas in the Commission and the ability to be immoral and use of power.
The La County Superior Commission comes after the Executive Commission is issued subpoena records seeking records related to three charges against the support or firing young men. Other stakeholders are dismissed, restricted from police pursuits or agreed to criminal cases.
The Department’s response to Subpoenas is expected Thursday morning means that Luna was not sure that the records of the gathering maintained legal records to listen to the Commission.
“The department of Sheriff is committed to the concealment of the Act and work on coop cooperation with COC,” the department told times in the statement by email. “This complaint is not intended to create a divorce between the County Departments, but to receive clear guidance in the critical issues of this that cannot be exposed to illegal income.”
Robert Bonner, who has ever been a former state judgment of the Commission, saw it in another way.
“We regret that Sheriff believed that the medical commission was required – the Commission on charges of oversight of his department – seeking the guidelines in the court,” he told the Times. “We find it we want to know that Sheriff chose to do this by his obligation to answer three subpoenas who want to force him to use the power to use force.”
At the beginning of 2020, the management board gave the ability to direct the Inspector General Office to remove subpoenas. Two months later, Among the series of shame of SheriffLos Angeles voters are very allowed Rate rgiving power to the commission of witnesses who directly serve as records. A few months later, Gov. Gavin Newlom signed a law that enriched the highest body of oversight.
In the last few years, the Commissioner of the Executive Commission – which relates to the death of Jail, Gangs Deputy Death of Gangs, With Government Basic Laws Taking Commission’s Commission Regulations, and said the records were confidential. In February, the commission took a powerful way and issued subpoenas.
One of the subpoenas requested all investigation materials related to the murder of Andres Guardado, 18-year-old killed by 2020 with shooting back after a short foot. Both of the tops involved were present Later you were sentenced to a Jale According to an incident that is not related to their actions and harass skateboarder after they planned to stop the Compkrok.
Another Subpoena required records in the case of Emmett Brock, a transgender man beaten by the Norwalk Pestity deputy outside of 2023 in 2023. The incident was held with the camera, and the year of last year of Joseph’s depth did He pleads guidance In a dream of the rights of state by means of great power.
At at least eight sessions They are free from work after I make several injurious allegations in his begging agreement, including allegations that some supporters and Sergeaants have helped cover his misconduct.
The third subpoena demands records in relation to Joseph Perez’s case, who was beaten by the important sectors of the 2020 industry. The Department considered the use of policy, although conflicts were installed. The case is still in wait.
Each of these three three signs signed by Bonner is included a Warning of All-Caps: “The disobedience of this article can be punished by the court.
The Department said Other records of stakeholders have requested confidential under the state Act in the State of the Meeting Privacy.
That Act, Section 832.7 of California Penal Code, we have a different perspective, state officials and the Grand Judiies can see the records as required during investigation. However, Sheriff’s department said the law did not specify that the warfare commissions were allowed to identify such records, and the Court of Sherifff-managed in accordance with the Court.
This is not the first time when the Subpomission subpommission’s power against Sheriff’s department. In 2020, where the commission includes the former sheriff, Alex Villanueva, about his response to the Covisward Coviswe-19 in prison, Villanueva asked him to risk the incident. The conflict ended up in court, and Villanueva finally agreed to answer the questions of the Commission volunteering.
When the oversight officials released many subpoenas, Villanueva against those, which caused many court cases. One of those cases almost led to the tissue in 2022, but the court called after Villanueva lawyers asked the Supreme Court to enter.
By the end of 2023, after no Sheref, Villanueva finally agreed to witness under oath and Answer the questions about the Deputy Baggage Subjects work inside the door.
In this week, the Sheriff Department of Sheriff tried to distance them from Villanueva, said it took “a very different approach” in previous management, requiring the previous COC seeking to intervene. “
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