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Sister Wives: Did Meri Take The Wrong Way With Robyn?

Sister Wives the stars Mary Brown again Robyn Brown they often leave fans with mixed messages about their on-again, off-again relationship on the TLC series. But, digging back to where it all started, some fans suggest that this friendship was built from scratch. Meri had an agenda, which seemed to interfere with their lasting friendship.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown Paints a Scene

Sister Wives celebrity Meri Brown tells the story of how she and Kody Brown happened to Robyn Brown. The fourth bride-to-be was at her friend’s house when Meri and her husband passed by. Recently, we heard Kody talk about seeing Robyn at church and staring into her eyes. He reports that it was the first time he had seen her.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Robyn Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

So, i Sister Wives the grandfather first saw him from a distance. However, Meri Brown told this story in their book Sister Wives best sellers when they were first introduced to Robyn Brown.

When Robyn entered the picture, Meri Brown was not in a good place with her husband or the wives she shared. He was not as close to his first two wives as he wanted to be. She also explained how her relationship with Kody was difficult at the time. So bringing Robyn into the marriage was the first wife’s idea of ​​how to fix this.

Was Robyn Brown The Gift and Revenge?

When Meri and Robyn, started out as friends, Meri was not on good terms with her other members. Sister Wives’ polygamy. He explained this in a letter the couple wrote a few years ago.

In the letter, Meri Brown recalled that she thought Robyn would be a good friend. But most of all, she thought she would make a good wife for Kody.

So, the couple left Janelle Brown and Christine Brown out of the loop as they got to know Robyn. Meri thought that this would bring her closer to her husband as they discussed this secret. The way Meri talked about urging Kody to date Robyn, it was almost as if this was the first wife’s gift to her shared husband.

At the same time, this first wife’s secret felt like a bit of revenge on Janelle and Christine. These two Sister Wives the ladies did not form a relationship with Meri as she thought about her polygamous marriage. Therefore, he hoped that Robyn would match that amount.

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Meri continued to oversee Kody’s pursuit of Robyn as their special little secret. But instead of getting closer to Kody, she ended up feeling even more ostracized. He thought Robyn Brown was in charge of all his time.

So, Meri’s plan to get a Sister Wives the bride, who would become his best friend and cheer Kody, burst out. Instead, Meri Brown blamed Robyn Brown for what was going wrong in her marriage. Although you don’t hear much about this history on the TLC series, Meri Brown revealed that she saw a fourth wife as a fix for her problems in the game. Sister Wives a book.

Check back on Soap Dirt for more information Sister Wives.

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