MSendendez Brothers ‘False and Declasses’ Teld Their Will

In opposition to the new trial of Mendenz brothers in their parents, Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Nathan Hochman pointed out an argument that had released the defendants since the days of this.
Here we know based on Times Favage:
‘False and Deceit’
Hochman pointed out what he described as a “false and deception” pattern before and in court, including the alphabet “transformers of murder events.
The brothers had said that their parents might be addressed by Mafia, and asked my friend that Jose Mendez raped, and in the beginning he said what they said was a history of sexual harassment by his father.
“Erik and Lyle Mentende told them five different kinds of different kinds of different kinds,” Hochman said.
Their new effort in freedom is based on what the suspects claim to be a new testimony to support sexual abuse of sexual abuse.
Habeas Corpus Appeal has been completed on behalf of the brothers The Loskeles County High Court in 2023 a 1988 letter were sent to Erik Mkelendez in her cousin who said she has been abused in her youth, Ros Roselló, That he was once raped as he was young by Jose Mendez.
Hochman said Friday the court should deny a Habeas application and not cook a new case because the killing action was a problem of conviction, not allegations of sexual harassment.
He has shown statements from a defense lawyer in the first tests that sexual harassment was no reason to kill. He said the brothers needed to have a close fear of their parents would kill them with the memories of sexual harassment so that the killing of the people were considered defense.
Legal analysis
Neama Rahmani, who once was a civil prosecutor, said the department was still open to trembling based on renewal. Hochman said he would rise again at a “church next weeks.”
“But he was given Hochman long spoken for a long time in Ndendanz Brothers’ False, I think possible,” Rahmani said. “Although Hochman said he did not make the decision to tremble, he reads the leaves of the tea, I think he would argue.”
Jose and Kitty Bendendez inside Beverly Hills Hills, along with the most popular trials, appeared, a recent television series with a network of public interest decades later.
Louis Shapiro, Defense Advisory, said the announcement was made to be clear that Hochman “would not please the weak argument from Netflix viewers.”
“You mean that they followed a lawful and simple law,” said Shapiro. “His conduct and ton tells you that he does not reproduce the reason for the brothers in Mendez.”
In 1989, Erik and Lolyle Mkelendez purchased Shotguns with money, they went into their homes home and shot their parents while looking for a movie in the family accommodation. Prosecutors said Jose Mendez was beaten five times, including the back of the head, and Kittendez cried down and injured in the presence of the brothers and loaded and exploded.
Police initially lured that the killing of these were mafia based on a good situation. The brothers faced charges of murder after Erik, who was 18 years later, admitted the death of the people in March 1990.
During the trial, prosecutors argued with the motivation of the brothers by killing their parents ‘greed – focusing on getting more parents’ property. Adversions of the brothers fought the united violent sex unit by the Father before that firing, they pardoned the killing of people as a means of defense.
The first test ended with Hung radiation for each brother. In the second, allegations of abuse and supporting the evidence was banned, and Lyle and Erik Mkelendez were convicted of the death of the first case in March 1996.
A group of brothers, supporting their release, means a statement on Friday that they were ‘disappointed by [Hochman’s] Circumstances, when they render successfully ripped new evidence and shepherd the misery they face. “
Erik’s justice and Coalition, founded by the relatives of the brothers, exploded Hochman’s ideas, and said the principal prosecutor attacked the rebels.
“Abuse is not easy.” The group said in a statement. “That II – it would say that he does not play in Erik and Lyle’s action to ignore decades in the work research and the basic understanding of the person.”
What are the next
The main decision is now focused on how the brothers can be offensive.
Gov. Gavin Newlom said he would not make a decision to meet the murder of murder until after consultation.
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