Misieval War Refugees Returned to Canada as Lielels Up Quota

The folk government raises a refugee number of Sudan’s civil war, which had some 7,000 people arriving in Canada with various programs.
But Ottawa says it is not possible to support sponsors from Sudan to return the province.
Instead, the arrival minister of Marc Miller said Quubbecers could now apply to restore their relatives as long as they go to another province.
The Federal policy suggests that the Quebec does not allow his relatives to the province, and the Office of Quebec Minister Jean-François RObleas has no idea.
The federal government raises the number of resurgent applications that will accept from 3,250 to over 5,000, which the projects will lead to 10,000 people who arrive in Canada.

Miller says that government will also return to Sudan, living in dangerous situations in the late 2026, and open 700 Sudanese spots to be secretly sponsored.

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Violence purged most of Sudan from April 2023, where government forces were rebellious, leading to the world’s largest disaster and that in Washington described as being annihilated in the Darfur region.
The Liberalals began the program to combine the family of Canada with relatives in Sudan on February 2024, and was initially included in Quebec from becoming in Sudan’s relatives.
Binter 2024 The Binter prepared for the membership of the District Committee contributed to this reason why without choosing Quebecs
Last week, diadora groups in Diasociation is issued a Sudanese program, the lowest financial rate for the Afghanistan or Haiti, and processing deaths before being admitted before being admitted to Canada.
Miller said the program was done in consultation with diasper parties and will be changed to deal with problems as they appear.
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