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eBook Launch: 8 Questions to Ask in an LMS Demo

Making the Most of Your LMS Demo

Choosing the Best Learning Management System for your organization can be time consuming and stressful. Even after you’ve identified your needs, you should still set up demos to narrow down the options and decide which software delivers the most value based on your goals and current technology stack. This eBook reveals the key questions to ask in an LMS demo, from statistical features to implementation process, so you can get more out of your sales meetings.

eBook release

8 Questions to Ask in an LMS Demo

This guide highlights 8 important LMS demo questions to ask to dive deeper into the platform’s features, flexibility, and implementation process.

Questions to Ask in an LMS Demo: Why You Shouldn’t Be Shy to the Strong

A demo is your chance to dive deeper into what the platform can do for you instead of just looking at the high-level features and functions. However, to achieve this, you need to ask the tough questions that other sellers may want to avoid. For example, are they willing to give you a detailed overview of how their features work within the tools you use every day? Top sellers are reliable and able to demonstrate their learning expertise. They are also willing to take the time to understand your requirements and expectations.

About This eBook

Why is it so important to ask the right questions during a demo? What should you do when you have completed your information gathering sessions and are ready to make your purchase decision? Here’s a few previews of what this DigitalChalk guide covers:

  • So You’re Ready for the Demo…Prepare Your List of Important Questions: Explore everything from use cases and key features to integration and industry compatibility.
  • Next Steps for LMS Testing: What to do after attending demos with your short-listed vendors.
  • Assessing Business Needs and Vacancies: Find out how testing will help you understand gaps in your eLearning strategy.

Get Your Copy

Download 8 Questions to Ask in an LMS Demo today to successfully navigate the demo stage and find the right platform for your organization.

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