LA DED combined tea at Starbucks give $ 50 million

Los Angeles County says Starbucks are responsible for the Customer Damage to the Botched Drive-through Botched-$ 50 Pantoff.
La Reweri Michael Garcia said he was burned at 2020 after his tray of hot lakes “falling himself,” he said. First, then another hot drink came into his lap, their bottles came out. He became very kind of, including his genitalia.
Garcia blamed the stars of apathy, and revealed a security video in a shop that seems to show that one of the largest ventiliset sat asses as a barista passed through the drive window-in the window.
Jurors on Friday agreed, and ordered a company-based company to pay Garcia $ 50 million Garcia and more involving pain and suffering.
Starbucks said it arranged to appeal.
“We feel compassionate to Mr. “We were always committed to the highest security standards of our stores, including the management of hot drinks.”
The prize Harks returns to the Civil Court on McDonald’s after Jury in 1994 has been given $ 3 million to a burning woman. Stella Liebeck, a 78-year-old, who burns a three-skin graduating. His attorneys were opposed McDonald’s had a history of the copies of consumer injuries.
The judge was further reduced the award, but McDonald’s case was more common in limited campaigns at Fort Prices.
Garcia’s lawyers immediately responded to comments but told another place that the Starbucks carried the responsibility of their bisters, according to the records that refused the incident.
“The judge’s decision is a critical initiative to hold the Starbucks with Gustant Accountability for Customer Safety and failing to accept responsibility,” one of Garcia’s lawyers, nick Rowley, quoted as his Press press.
The case described in the case has occurred on February 8, 2020, in Starbucks Drive – through the Plate park. GARCIA, a 25-year-old driver after shipping, was taking the command of the hot hack. They were served in the burden of cardboard.
At some point during the Handoff, two tips crossed and spilled into Garcia’s thigh, leaving “the endless damage that requires many” revised writ surgery. Medical records are included in this case showing that he was attacked by two skin graffis and suffered lasting pain and sexual misconduct.
Garcia blamed the Barista’s dissolution, applying it “He did not strengthen the holes of each soft drink, neglect and carelessly served the complainant.” He revealed that from the beginning he could see the cover in one of the drinks that were not placed in the area.
Starbucks in its first response that Garcia did not support “any injury, injury or loss due to any act or not” its staff, said documents, said the documents in court.
During the trial, the company said that the total was lying in Garcia because of the “apathy that provides,” said the documents.
Before the Jury trial, Starbucks provided with Garcia $ 3 million – and later $ 30 million – to solve, CBS stories Reported.
Garcia agreed with the situation where the company valued and converted its policies, including the need for all employees to double when hot drinks were protected before they give them customers, according to the CBS report. Starbucks refused the terms, and the case was beginning to hear the trial.
South Los Angeles Resicicentent Muriel Evans installed a The same case Against the Starbucks in 2024, allegedly injured and injured in the environment and injury after the barista was spying a cup of coffee and spent his lap. Lawyers in this case blame stars ‘by ignoring the’ Customer Safety in the Works of the Hot Beverages “Despite Calnized Reports and Many Warnotes.
Evans ‘Jury’ case was scheduled on February 2026.
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