Japan is fighting its great wild fire than 30 years

The Great Fire of Japanese Fire was burning in a small coastal shelter on Sunday after one man killed at least one person, wounding many homes of removing thousands of residents, fire officials said.
1,800-hectare (4,500-acre) burning on Opunato days, town on the eastern coast of Japan about about 300 miles[300 km]northeast Tokyo. 400 hectares had grown from Saturday.
The Japanese fire management agency said he had readily read the fire on Wednesday afternoon, and that at least 84 households were rescued on Wednesday night. Japanese media reports said police found a man’s body on the way on Thursday morning while examining the area. Local authorities confirmed the man’s death, but did not give details.
The government issued orders to remove residents around 4,600 residents on Wednesday, according to Fire Agency. Another 1,200 were in the chapter on Sunday morning.
About 1,700 firefighters from 14 districts were sent from Wednesday to fight fire, according to city officials. Video Footage from NHK, Japanese community broadcasters, shows fire extinguishers on the Billwing clouds rising over the forest, as the flames of Orange were matured during the trunks.
It is not immediately clear how fast the fire teams have developed when they contain fire, even if the fire caused further buildings from Wednesday. The fire agency could not be reached to comment.
The cause of fire was interrogated, the agency said.
The last fire forest of this average in Japan is burned by more than a thousand hectares on the island of Hokkaido in 1992, Fire Agency spokesman said Fire Agency.
Opunato’s season, usually from January to March, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. Last month it was February last time in the next two decades.
Fire authorities in Japan also fought with other two young fires a week. The first, in the State of Yanadashi, in western Tokyo, started on Wednes and grew up to 120 hectares on Saturday, according to Fire Agency. Second, in the Northern Stagano region, he started on Friday and reached 100 hectares a week.
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