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I know it’s been a while “The Flash” out of theaters, but I got to say that after seeing the movie again SizeI think it’s clear to say that Michael Keatonhe is the best actor who has ever played the Caped Crusader.
Keaton played the hero in Tim Burton-heroine directed to the highest level in 1989. Many fans were skeptical about the controversial casting but they were happy to have him in the film after it was released and welcomed him further in 1992.
This is why Keaton reigns supreme as a comic book hero.
Batman 1989 [credit: Warner Bros.]
Before Michael Keaton, the only Batman fans had was Adam West in the 1960s tv series and while the series had its moments, it seemed more camp than dark in reality. West had a humorous take on the character that may have been okay in the 1960s but doesn’t really respect the source material.
Keaton brought the character to a dark place and allowed the Batmen to follow him to run, but only after he had to go in a batsuit and it was a breath of fresh air to see.

Batman 1989 [credit: Warner Bros.]
In the original comics, Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed by gangster Joe Chill. And the tragic incident is what made him the caped crusader. That’s a great origin story, however, the 1989 film changes a few things.
In Tim Burton’s film, Jack Napier aka, the Joker kills Wayne’s parents. Anyway, this is before Napier becomes the Joker but it makes a good connection as to why Batman is honest and despises the Joker, thus making their villainous hero easily recognizable.

The Flash 2023 [credit: Warner Bros.]
If you haven’t seen The Flash, spoiler alert because Keaton’s Batman takes down the kryptonian Nam-ek in the coolest and shortest scene in the DCEU, where Batman tackles the Kryptonian by the neck attaching bombs to him and finally knocking the alien down with an explosion the last one.
Keaton can rest easy knowing that he is the only Batman to take down a Kryptonian without Kryptonite. Even Affleck didn’t prove it.
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