IT-Billies Harvest has increased to the Board in BSP PEAT

Government is fully given The debt of the Treasury (T-BILTS) Donate Monday and even the opening of the board on the back of Bangko Sertrish Ng Pilipinas (BSP) Benchmark Benchmark Laying Costs Ng Pipipinas last week.
BRUEU A Treasury raised P22 billion as set from T-Bilds Transformation Monday T5675 billion to P50.113 billion in tenders visible on February 10.
Broken down, the treasurer borrowed P7 billion as scheduled for 91 days tendies as ten-time tenders reached P166.05 billion. The three-month paper is quoted for a standard 5.318%, increases 19 points (BPS) from 5.128% recognized in the previous access, in acceptable amounts from 5.18% to 5.398%.
The government also made a full prize of P7-billion security in 182 days like bids standing in P17.52 billion. A six-month-old T-Bill level is 5.662%, 10 10 bps higher than 5.562% are in the last week. The BTR accepted tenders carry 5.58% fruit on 5.695%.
Finally, the Treasurer raised a million papers built 364 billing papers at the need for ten-year p22.705 billion. The average credit level is up 5.4 BPs to 5.78% from 5.726% before, with the accredited bids and 5.74% up to 5.78%.
In the second market before auction, 91- 182-, and 364 quoted by 5.1574%, and 5.7431% of the Treasurer .
ET-Bill prices were high on all three tenors on Monday because of the BSP decision to suspend its reducing cycle, the Merchant said in the text of the text.
“The prices cut before the finance board meeting was busy in temporary papers,” said the merchant.
The T-Bill Auction Fruits Retle from the beginning of the expectations of some of the expectations of other BSP and is slowly repaired at the 2025 Group Interchange, Irizal Commerce Banking Corp. Chief Economist Michael L. Ricafort Similarly said to the Viber message.
“Pause unexpected temporary cutting … disappointments that are disappointing 25-BP cut cut,” said Mr Ricafort.
“The fruits of the T-Bill Auction is now highest higher than PHP BVal short yields but less than three months and especially below the essential policy of 5.75%.
He also added that the crop increase is slowly removed from cutting signs in the Big Banks Reserve Centes (RRR), as this may include the new financial inclusion that can be placed in financial instruments.
The BSP on Thursday is suddenly held in the presence of strong information as uncertainty of the world threatens the decline in prices and viewing.
The Finance Board has left targeted return ratings of the target unchanged in 5.75%. Deposit rates in the pipes at night and the lending structures are also stored by 5.25% and 6.25%, respectively.
The first BSP encoding follows 25-BP cuts in a row since its winding cycle began on August 2024.
The decision took the market by surprise as 19 in 20 critics were voted by Businessworld He intended for 25-Bp to cut 25-Bp cutting at the meeting of Thursday, and just one commentator just looks for BSP to keep the rigid prices.
“Usually, we would have decided, but something changed. He said after the meeting.
US President Donald J. Trump on Friday has been kept living in tax encouragements, saying that the cars will soon bring reports to import options as they want to reset worldwide trading, reports reportedly reported that Reuters.
It was recent about the Lam of Trading Acts. Trump can be revealed since they replaced the second place in Jan. 20.
From his dedication, he has set a 10% fees in all that is based on China, above the existing Levites; It was announced and delayed monthly prices for 25% of the goods from Mexico and importing power from Canada; Set the first day in March 12 to 25% values ​​to all incomes and aluminum; And Thursday directs his economic team to eliminate all tax deductions.
Mr. Trump claim will ask you to measure the territory of the US in an American overseas and renew the foundation of the long-term consumer and economic confusion about the renewable renewal.
At that time, Mr Justona said the BSP can cut a big bunks reserve measure at 5% from 7% within a year.
Central Bank During the Universal and Commercial Banks and non-financial institutions with QUASI-Banking financial institutions to 70 BPS to 7.5% from 9.5%.
On Tuesday, BTR will donate P30 billion billions for ten-year-old troops (T-bond) for the remaining life of eight months and 11 months.
The Treasurer is responsible for raising P203 billion in the home market this month, or P88 billion from T-Bills and P115 billion from T-Bonds.
The government has lend to local and international sources to help support the budget, tied to P1.54 trillion or 5.3% of the main homework this year. – Amc sy reference Reuters
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