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Israel looks ready to keep its troops in Lebanon beyond the deadline

Israel will eat the southern part of Lebanon after the end of the military resolution on Sunday, the Israeli government said in a statement on Friday, during the concerns of Hehbollah still in the capacity of the Senbenenic Army. resume.

Under the terms of the agreement between Israel and Hezbollah at the end of November, Israeli soldiers had to withdraw within 60 days of the country’s newlands. The Hezbollah has also been required to withdraw from the region, allowing the Lebanese troops to control the area where Hezbollah, Shiite army supported by Iran and political party, longed.

Within two days before the deadline, Benjamin and Tanyahu’s office, Israeli premier, declares the Lebanese resolution, adding a full time, which means the Israeli soldiers will live. Lebanon beyond the edges.

“As Lebanon suspended agreement is a full-time agreement, a gradual process will continue under full cooperation with the United States,” said the statement of Israeli Premier.

It is requested that the Premier’s office reflected to say if this means that Israel’s soldiers will without fail live in Lebanon after the deadline. However, Israeli leaders have told America’s resolution and France that they want to keep some soldiers in southern Lebanon, according to three chat officers.

There was no immediate response from Hezbollah or the Lebanese government. But in a public statement on Thursday, Hezballah said that any “contract violation would not be tolerated, because” there will be obvious violations, the attack on the Lebanon’s sovereignty and the beginning of the new Chapter. “

Hezbollah officials did not respond to allegations that Hezbollah failed to fulfill its obligations and that the Lebanon soldiers have not been addressed. The Department of Communications and Media said the party “committed to” the principles of the suspension agreement but did not explain.

Breaking of a peace agreement is monitored and investigated by the Committee led by the United States and involving France. Hezbollah has called on those international and local guardians to not allow “any grounds or excuses to increase the time to stay,” but it did not say what steps would take them if Israel’s sons.

After two months without conflict, despite the thought of an updated battle.

If the Israeli soldiers live beyond the Blessing of Lebanon, Hezballah has to choose between the existing state and face loss – or endangering the largest Israeli attacks and infrastructure of the lives of the Lebanese people. When the war resumes Israeli Defense Minister Israel has warned that Israel’s strikes will not separate between Hezbollah and Lebanese country.

“It’s a big tip of Hezbollah. They are condemned when they refuse and discard if they do not, “said Nicholas Blanford, the commentator in Beirut in Atlantic Council, a US Auditor’s team. “Hezbollah fans will not thank the group by resuming the war while trying to return home and start building.”

Since November, Israel has conveyed over 100 City Insectors, but still 70 percent of their past Lanca. power in the southern Lebanon.

Israeli officials said in the Lebanon army was not yet ready to close the space in those areas, all in the southern line of Litani. Mr. Tenenenti said the sons of the Lebanon were ready to do so but could not enter areas where Israel’s soldiers had not yet been out.

Asked to notice, the Lebanese military is referring to the public statement when he “sits ready to complete their shipping at the southern Tani River immediately after the Israeli enemy withdrew.”

In recent days, Israel’s soldiers did not appear to be prepared altogether, according to the official and the Israeli official who spoke about the situation to speak freely.

The deadline created a turmoil Trump, which supported Israel, but campaigned for peace in Lebanon.

It also becomes a test for new Lebanon leaders. President Joseph Aunoun and Premier Nawaf Salam, both appointed this month, need a peaceful place to rebuild Lebanon years later, political turmoil and economic disasters. Their authority becomes at risk of being cheated if they have shaken with no power to control their location and have an impact on Hezbollah or Israel.

The new Lebanese leadership is no longer worth showing a confident leader in treating Hezbollah – Weaknesses, of course, to use it as a deadline, “said Sanam Vakil, the Director. of the Middle East system in Chatham House, a London Export Group.

Current conflict starting after a Hezbollah alliance with the Israeli attack on October 7, 2023, killed in 1,200 people and kidnapped some 250 people. The next day, the Hezbollah began to shoot the rockets in Israeli military ranks in part with Hamas, and Israel retaliated, which resulted in the Daily Trade of Israel and Lebanon and damaged villages on both sides of the border.

The war was tense in the last summer, after a rocket from Lebanenon killed the group of children and youth in the city under the Israeli. Israel killed many Hezbollah’s top leadership, highly increased its attacks in hezbollah lamps and attacked southern Lebanon.

Israel’s attack was destroyed, removed over a million people and killed a few thousand, including many residents.

The war also led to coping right in between Israel and Iran, the great Hezbollah supportory.

Abuse, Hezbollah and Iran both have no power to prevent the fall of the third member of their fishery, the Syrian government. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was surrounded by rebels in December, making it difficult for Iran to send weapons to Hezbollah through the Syrian area. Inside Lebanon, the power of Hezbollah decreased, resulting in the height of Mrs, Aoun and Mr Salam, both promised to restore the unity of Lebanefan.

Israeli leaders privately claims that the powerful Lebanese government is in Israeli’s interest, since he may stop the impact of Hezbollah, opposing Israel’s presence. Hezbollah was founded in the 1980s, in part, responds to the former Israeli attack in South Lebanon, which remained up to 2000. Weapons of the military gave great strength in Lebanese matters, some compared to the district circuit. Now, the group is in a very weak state of decades.

Astrael is determined to live within Lebanon, criticizing the authority of new Lebanese leadership;

Thousands of Israeli population left should not return to their homes, fearing that the hezbollah will not be accompanied by the terms of the weapons of weapons and renovate military infrastructure between the list of Israel’s sector.

Israeli officials lament that the Lebanese army should not include enough forces to replace Israeli military areas, to prevent a contract that is fully implemented. They also say that the Hezbollah troops still move from southern Lebanon, violating the terms of the agreement and forcing Israel’s military to live in the area.

Lebanese troops have spread in large cities and villages in southern Lebanon churches, especially in areas nearby Mediterranean, southwest of the country. It also planted special units to remove the waste, reject the laws that fail and rebuild damaged roads. The military officials claim to work in conjunction with the international committee of the country.

But the Lebanese soldiers still controllecting the east boundary, outside the area around Kiam, a city in the southeastern Lebanon who was a habitual battle during the war.

The Israeli military officer, speaking about anonymously, said the Israeli Military assistant. The Israeli-Lebanon border.

The expected between the former soldiers, said official, that they will always be there for the future to prevent Hezbollah return there.

Dyana will not He gave in the reporting from Beirut, Lebanon; Johnatan Reiss from Etel Aviv; and Christina Goldbaum of Damascus, Syria.

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