The Inglewood police are looking for the deaths of the death of a person who tried to quit catalytic disposition

The Inglewood police said on Saturday for two suspects in the death of the Cellytic Converter’s death.
Early on Tuesday, police said, the victim tried to stop two men to stole a neighboring neighboring conversation in northern 1000 Chester Avenue in the north. One of the men shot the victim in the chest, police said.
In the Magunde Post Office, family members pointed to the man as Juan Sanchez, 48, and “a proud Father” and “a proud Father” and “a proud Father” and “Father The proud ‘and’ a proud father ‘and a loving grandparent’ and ‘a proud great. ‘
“He was the summer of the man who put others before him, giving up the site, or a smile that could shine even the darkest days. His loss was the foundation of his family, leaving his post.
Since Saturday, more than $ 36,000 raised Sanchez’s family support, the study of Mbhopaiser including a wife, two children and granddaughter.
The Inglewood police said that the suspects were driving toyota Camery for gold and the Windows Windows and the Sunroof. The year of model is thought to be between 2002 and 2006.
Notice of the police department of police.
(Kristin Dennis)
Police have issued flier with video images to be monitored and additional information to suspects.
Over the years, thiefs in South California made the catalytic transformers to be a popular target because it can be sold for their highest stakeholders.
In the worst incident, the general hospital Johnny wactors was shot in the city of Los Angeles in the first time when he approached several men trying to remove his car convert, police said. Three months later, prosecutors have taken four men in relation to the trial.
In 2023, the city council of Los Angeles voted to make it illegal to have an unlicely catalytic conversion without ownership.
With the passing of the first half of 2024, 2,113 converts were stolen from Los Angeles, according to the LAPD data issued last year. The figure does not include the Inglowood or nothing of Los Angeles County.
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