Business News

IPO Float creates uneven field

By Revin Mikhael D. Ochave, Reporter

Recently declined Philippine Stock ExclockChange (PSE) to lower minimum Public identity (verto) with the first major public donations (POS) may Not Good for investors’ confidence As it creates “uneven gaming field,” says stock market critics.

“It is not a good opticle, because they are well-optimistic in the punishment of public needs, and this may be considered as the administrator is the Head of ALFRED Benjamin R. Garcia said in the Viber message.

Unicapital Securities, head of trials Wendy B. Estacio-cruz said in the Viber message that the lower viber created an uneven play.

“If the prediction is the usual, it can cause uneven gaming field where large firms found further intensity,” he said.

PSE President and Chief Executive OfficerefThe ICR Ramons S. Monzan said last weekly operanitarizing consent and exchange commission to reduce the requirement of the public floating its listing programs.

Socialized companies are related to 15% floating influence, as long as they commit to the rest of the community to float at 20% within two years.

Mr Menzon said the movement is not permanently and there will be back from the coming years.

“We have a two-year window, then if that doesn’t work, we will extend it For some two years, “he added.

The PSE’s movement comes as GCash, governed by the new Global Finter (MyNT), public transport strategies later this year.

Bloomberg quotes the Telecom, Inc. The Chief Executive Officer and my Chairman Ernest Ernest Ernest Cu says Part Gcash Will will depend on the fans who agree with 10-15% of major donations.

However, Mr Garcia said the rest of the IPOS community needs did not coincide with the ongoing efforts to improve corporate governance standards.

“Public patents means that the community is a small minimum or neglected minority when making a meeting,” he said.

“There can be long-term consequences about the attractiveness of Philippine’s market in investors. The need to raise up to 20% of the level of your pole next to the next two years,” add.

Ms Estacio-Cruz said long-lasting floating is “led to reducing stock financing and fluctuations of higher prices, making the market good in shop investors.”

Rimal Commerce Banking Corp. Economist Economist mentioned in the Viber message that the lowest message of the IPO-arrested firms should be only temporary relief.

“This can be a temporary control of marketing market redevelopment market.

“However, there should be a serious balance to encourage many companies to write shares at a challenging market place,” Add.

At that time, China Bank Capital Corp. The Director The Director Juan Paolo E. Colet said the Viber message that the latest movement is PP will help you to persuade other 20% vertical companies.

“In appropriate, we would like to be a High Float to have a higher source to develop skills creation, and improve market fees,” said Marketing, “said he.

“Public float and liquidity is very important to investors in other countries and is very important to include international and regional indices.

Local bourse will still see IPO this year. However, some public lists include GCash, Pangilinan-LED Connorairaire MayNilad Water Services, Inc.

PSE is waiting for six iPos this year.

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