Hundreds of compliance with Trump, Musk in Westwood

When Jesse Galde, who served in the Vietnam War and entered the Department of Veterans Building Building on Friday, he saw a difference.
“It’s already,” people leave, “Galde, 74, who trusts Eve’s health care, said Va workers said they would try to provide services, but it will take a long time.”
President Trump Upush to plant a federal government size, including increased staff in the Va and other structures, Galdde went on the streets in Westwood hundreds on Saturday.
“Not only is the VE, but there are some programs we need for desperation,” said Galde. “There’s no reason to do this this way … I fought for this country, and I’ll fight again.”
Angelos and citizens from ally California participate in Wilshire Federal Building at Wilshire Feder Fedal, one of the largest protests in Los Angeles where Trump took offices for about two months ago, on Saturday.
(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)
Protesters look at the Federal Building at Wilshire Boulevard around the NOONs, including government reduction with what they explain as clear Constitution.
“We are here because we will not allow Trump, will not allow Elon Musk, his president, or another person to replace the United States Constitution,” Ph-Los Angeles (D-Los Angeles) told the crowd.
The Mask Teams Team, which costs the government department working well, or DOG, honors thousands of State Service work and instructed the US Development Agency and the Department of Education.
Musk, a job known as “the rapid movement and breaks things” in his companies, describing the use of government spills such as the emergency and contention of Fox News on Tuesday.
“The world is skull,” he said about the growing national debt. “If we don’t do something about it, the American ship will sink.”
But the people in protest – organized primarily during democracy and network, a democratic organization established last year – said programs in Chopping Block remains from the spill.

Angelos and citizens from all of the Sounern California participate in a meeting without the Wilshire Federal Building in Westwood on Saturday.
(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)
Shaun Law-Bowman, 67, spent 15 years as a public school teacher before replacing control.
“There is no thinking. No excuses,” says Trump’s program to close the Department of Education. “I was a special ED manager – those of the major funds of the Kingdom. There is a large number of children who need special help, and all that will be.
At the beginning of this month, Government Judge govern That Trump and Musk’s distribution of USAID may not be the constitution, and the cutting was inconsistent with the Congress will.
Federal judges and ruled The fact that the shape of the plaryary stewards did not follow the appropriate humorous procedures and that the American administration office does not have the order to get the bodies.
Managers have spent these decisions, with The Deputy President of the JD Vence to send to X that the judges “was not allowed to control the legal force.”

Angelos and citizens from South California participate in a peaceful event and assembly outside the Wilshire Fedwood area on Saturday.
(Christina House / Los Angeles Times)
Many protesters talk about fighting no Mahmoud’s arrest KhalilA former student of Columbia University Graduate Studiate and Pro-Palestinian activist. Khalil, Algeria’s citizen, is made from immigrant complaints despite a green card without a criminal record.
Trump, without providing witnesses, The Ululul suspect Hamas support, the US just look at “a foreign terrorist organization.”
To many, the vision was a way to take news on their hands.
“For all those people who say that the protests did not matter … we would have no rights of civil that we had for ’60s outside protests,” Elizabeth Giphema, “in Vietnama for a long time without protest.”
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