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How Lingolift Helps Students Build Confidence in the Classroom

Language learning gets a boost with Lingolift, a new tool from the team behind Listenwise. Designed to help students build confidence in their English skills, Lingolift offers practical video lessons to help beginners use and learn social and academic language more quickly.

What’s great about Lingolift is how it makes language practice feel natural and engaging, especially for newcomers, early English language learners, and students with learning disabilities. Lingolift combines visual support with speaking practice, giving students the opportunity to practice all four language domains—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—in a way that feels structured and flexible.

Kelsey Cardenas is an 8th grade ELAR teacher in Texas, and has tried Lingolift with her students. Here’s her Teacher’s Choice review and why she sees it as an important resource to support her English language learners.

What grade levels and subject areas do you think Lingolift is best suited for?

I think grades 2-12 is the appropriate age range, as stated on the website. Almost all ages can use the platform comfortably, as long as they are familiar with the computer. I teach ELAR but Lingolift can be used in all subjects. They have a variety of topics and interests that are covered at all levels.

How does Lingolift fit into course guidelines?

It has TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) listed for each lesson. I like that he lists them individually under each video instead of in the usual place, so I can see that lesson specifically.

Lingolift from a reader

How have you used or would you use Lingolift in your classroom?

I teach 8th grade level and ELAR. I have many ELL students who are also in Special Education. This can be a great tool that they can use in their time to gain confidence in their English, and their reading comprehension in general.

For some lessons, we have just completed our Informational Text unit. With that, I can have students watch a video, practice vocabulary, practice speaking paragraphs—and then answer a written response related to the topic. This shows their understanding of the language and knowledge.

We are going into our Argumentative Unit—for this I can have them argue/discuss their answers after watching the video. Example: The food preferences video is a good place to start when introducing the unit, as everyone has food likes and dislikes. This can help ELL students feel more comfortable when it comes time to share as a group with their peers.

How are your students responding to Lingolift?

They loved it! They said it would help. Most of my students who have tried Lingolift with me have learned English in the past three years, so they are still new language learners and have a greater understanding of what students experience.

Testing Lingolift in the classroom

How would you summarize your overall experience with Lingolift?

It went well! The website is simple and easy to use, with many options to suit the needs and interests of students. I could see myself using Lingolift at least weekly in my classroom.

How easy was it to use and implement in your classroom?

As my students get older, they catch on quickly. I’m not sure how much work it would take for a 2nd grader to understand how to navigate it on their own, but I can see how it would be useful in a small group setting at that age with a lead teacher. a lot of you.

What did you like most about Lingolift?

Two things: I liked the speaking section and the worksheets included in each section. I’ve tried to “spoil” the speaking part a few times to see if it stuck and it did! You definitely have to have the right pronunciation and inflection to get it right.

Worksheets are great because students like to have something concrete, and having a worksheet to look back on is helpful when they feel stuck.

Food collection on Smartboard

What makes Lingolift stand out compared to other products?

Progressing from watching a video to filling in the vocabulary words to speaking each sentence was a great idea. I think it keeps it short and simple enough to keep students’ attention while making it more difficult for them to accomplish based on their experience level.

How do you plan to use Lingolift again in the future?

The few students who attempted the speaking part were very nervous! I can see how it would be beneficial for them to use speaking parts more often to gain confidence without having to speak face to face with a peer or teacher. They try to keep quiet in class if they think they can’t pronounce a word or don’t want to have a full conversation.

Fill-in-the-blank vocabulary is great for all levels of learners, even native speakers! I don’t think vocabulary is always bad as long as it’s done in a way that will challenge them and push them forward.

What is your final opinion on Lingolift?

I enjoyed using the website. I am always grateful for new technology that is useful and not a burden that teachers can adopt and use. It’s a great way to let technology work for us and help our students move forward on their own without feeling like they’re doing extra work that’s too difficult or unpleasant.

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