Education News

Vote! Teacher Important Words

Unless you somehow manage to ignore the piles of political flyers that clog your mailbox every day, everyone knows that election season is on its way. We know that teachers in particular are pressed for time, so we’ve put together resources to make sure you get the chance to have your voice heard at the ballot box.

Why is this election so important for teachers?

Whoever wins this presidential election will have tremendous power in shaping what classrooms, curriculum, libraries, and school safety look like. People who work or have a particular interest in education should be concerned with the following voting issues:

  • School and program funding
  • Possible abolition of the Department of Education
  • To equip teachers
  • Book ban and CRT
  • Gun safety and access
  • Teacher’s pay
  • Legislators’ control of education
  • Private school vouchers and how they affect public schools
  • Local bonds and elections related to school districts and boards

Not sure what issues your candidate supports? Check out our list here.

Also, see what else will be on your ballot.

I don’t remember if I registered to vote.

No problem! Check your registration with a few clicks. Some states allow you to register and vote on the same day.

Where can I vote?

Find polling places near you (and the hours they’ll be open).

What if I don’t have time after school?

Most states require employers to provide time to vote during the workday. Check your state’s guidelines. But know that as long as you’re in line before the venue’s scheduled closing time, they should let you vote.

What should I take with me?

Most states require a photo ID, but you can check here to see if yours does.

Can I bring my children with me?

You can! Minors are allowed to accompany adults while voting.

What if the polls close while I’m online?

If you are in line when voting closes, you still have the right to wait your turn and vote. It’s worth the wait!

What else should I know?

If you experience voter intimidation or harassment, call 866-OUR-VOTE.

Need a ride to the polling station? Go to

If you want to check your vote before voting:

If you’ve been under the fence about voting, consider this your nudge to show up. Teachers’ words matter!

What should I do after voting?

Share our photo below on social media to show family and friends that you voted. Maybe you’ll remind someone else to get to the polls!

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