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General Hospital 2-Sound Looted March 17-28: BLQ Bump, Drew Wins & Anna Scrambles

General Hospital 2-Suprency Spobrics of March 14-28, 2025 see Brook Lynnn Quartemaine (Amanda Settton), Drew Cain Quarmaine (Cameron Mathson) receives winning, with Anna Devane (Finnah Hughes) scmbling.

Generately hospital robbers: The Giver of Trina Robinson and Worry’s concerns

LET’S READY Monday, March 17. Therefore, Trina Robinson made that gift from Emma, ​​and the kind of escape in his group, Maai (Jens Austin astrap) is followed. And he appears at his door.

Trina thought he wanted to be alone, but when she found Kai there, she changes her mind. And you have a gift to her. I hope he will not make him sad. Also, Brook Lynn and Gio and Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) have some scenes together. And Gio wants Tracy to find the way of making the Law worked for him. Brook Lynn thinks how to draw takes up to fight the old wide.

It will detect their dirt, especially since Harrison dismissed (Josh Swickard). And I wonder if you will delete Lois Cerello (Rena Sofer) and Gloria Cerullo (Ellen Travolta, who continues to speak and spell all of the normal soap style. That’s the Eveasdropping Setup. And the only thing I can think of can really get rid of that the child told her his wife is her best friend.

GH Spencers: Carly Spencer’s Danger, Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan’s investigation and Anna devane

Carly Corninthos Spencer (Laura Wright) is at risk, and Jack Brennan (Chris Mkenna) is trying to save him. It looks like you took a room service that blame Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) may have been attacked. And this is the great Amazingin mistake he did.

He may have to stay away from Port Charles. And maintained from the run from the killing WSB and the Jack’s Kill Order because Carly probably the injuries will increase Jack’s vendetta. Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Jason Morgan (Steve Burgan) gathered and talked.

They tried to find who bulked penhouse, who came after the family. And what they will do with villain or villains because it may be more than one person who caused these, and they may be completely separate.

Also, in this Sunday, Sonny and Jason finished at normal hospital, and Anna informs the person that there is a marriage to serve the authorized book, which means a particular form of the organization. And maybe it’s about Valentin, but I think about Drew Verser and Continuous Bloom there.

Normal Hospital Management: Valentin Bargain, Sasha’s consent, and Chase’s issue

On Tuesday, March 18th, Valentin offers some information. They may have discussed the death order, and Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) comes clean and Jason. I wonder if you will tell her to take that pile of money from Jenz Samiwella (Cristlo Rota), she can’t love them at all. Chase is stuck in the horns of the problem on Tuesday. Therefore, I suspect you have received a Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprognery) and you wonder if you will leave his bestie in the dark. We will see.

General Hospital Accumulators: Lucas’ mismatchment, Josslyn’s training, and Ana’s formation

Lucas Jones (Van Hansis) is completely sad. He had been up to Hottie Marco’s lawyer. Perhaps you run to Brad Cooper (Parry Shen) on his shame. I don’t know, but it also looks like Marco is Natalia’s son. The actor Eve Larue sent a picture from a regular hospital set. And at Mardalia, Blaze (obvious returns) Marco with # signing those children.

So, you know, my family and Lucas meet the sonny girl’s son, and the same son of Sidall? That would be a strange kind to town but is interesting. Jossylyn Jacks (Eden Mccoy) is provided with a literal check during the WSB training on Tuesday. Wednesday, March 19, Anna sees something. And it’s not fun to think about it.

Normal Hospital Accumulators: Jack’s Warpath, to persuade Laura, and Nesny’s bad news

Jack Brennan (Chris Mkenna) is completely in Warpath, must be Valentin. He and Ana are a Carly Marketing Hospital this week. Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) Try to persuade someone. I hope that it is drawn, and you take him out. We will see.

Nina Reves (Cynthia Wars) has a promise of Willow Tait (Kalyn Macmullen), and may have tried to give him anything to prevent him from giving the drop. And Sonny gets bad news. It can be his heart, the MOB business, bombs, or hard work are poisonous. On Thursday, on March 20, we have Jason warned someone, perhaps new, maybe Sidwell.

Normal Hospital Management: Brook Lynnn Quartemain - pulled Cain hope - Anna devane
General Hospital: Brook Lynnnnnnnnnamain – pulled Cain hope – Anna devane

GH SPOILERS: LULU’s misfortune, Anna’s refusal, Anna’s refusal, and pursuit of Laura

Lulu Spencer (Alexa Havins Bruening) is completely shocked. And I wonder if the suspect has committed stories to chase or chase. Brooklyn Curve and face his mother, Lovis, Thursday, and if the chase received a piece of puzzle, it is obvious that her mother had something about it. Anna refuses to not take the answer. And Laura holds Nosny Thursday.

General Hospital Accumulators: Near Minds, Portia Details, and Lucky Relationships

Entry on Friday, March 21, we will end this week and her mother to have some second thoughts. It may be about the offer he does in Willow, or can be about his plan and crying against DRW. Of course, Ceraly was shown in his office another day and said we would be busy in this, but you know, there is one thing enough to do.

Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) Fills in Ava Jerome (Mauri West). And I wonder that it is not in the latest blackmail when he compels him to participate in the media conference with him. And now Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) at the Aurora Media Press summit and renewed his photo behind a bad header that the attacker did, which was very precise.

Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbs) and Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) talk about the format of the renewed relationship. Drew may have been doing a union on Friday. And Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn gets down a guest that he didn’t expect. Maybe Valentin Cassadine.

General Hospital: A Alexis’s Visitor, Elizabeth and Lucky’s future, and her mother’s last card

Attending a week of March 24th by using 28, we will see how Alexis responds to his visit. When it is Valentin, they may want a little for legal aid from the camps and family. When considered how GH has written to this corner, it is difficult to see how Valentin comes out of this filth.

Elizabeth and lucky look for the future. And I still wonder if he will go out of the mother’s house and intervene with him and their son. The mother finally is not forced to play the last card in her hand. And tell Willow and slept with her. We know that it will go out, and if Lucas returned to Port Charles, will you be announced to see his new houspo there? Also, it will really frustrate if he is Sidall’s son.

GH robbers: The secret of GOI, Valentin’s Conclusion, Nosny and Jason’s to excavate

The GII’s free time is not missing these two weeks since Gloria and Lois continued to talk aloud near open doors. And there is a great question that Valentin saves this week or keeping the body’s bags being managed by law and, if it is the result of Charlotte Cassadine.

Sonny and Jason keeps digging who hurts Michael Cornnthos (Chad Deell (Chad Deell) I mentioned this several times, I think you answer her way she is because she is pregnant and is well-understood.

And I think Desrew was able to drop and convince him, even when he heard bad things about him, he can’t blaze His mind in it. There is something wrong with her Noggin that the man is unseen that everyone has doubts.

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