These robots recovery explosives over the Baltic Sea

When I talked to Guldin in December, after the first flight of the pilot was completed, he expressed the emphasis on what the work would look away. The Robotic Crawlers are added to the cameras, the lights, the Sonars, and improved grabbers can be used much better than cranes on the current platform, and can work day and night. For remote cars, dumping sites may be viewed on many sides at the same time, something that is impossible to do from the prescribed region. Orrance experts – Short-level workers – they may face great work in the Hamburg office, instead of spending days at sea.
That is a little more than a little, but despite a few problems – as a fewer waters and sometimes inadequate light, most technology in early tests work as well as planned. “Certainly there is a place of development, but the idea that you can point to the water and save it in the Name of German reality. For a temporary time in 2026, Sichermann said.
When I visited the SEterRA BARGE on a molded but clearly in October, I spoke to a monthly shopping professional in Plash, a carefully crashed of crates that were marked in Muga and Slime and full of 20 cycles. —mm burned by Nazi Germany. On that day, they have already searched 5.8 tons of 5.8-MM Round, holding from Mechanic muck holders and underwater robots and dragged to the board.
Schuffler has destroyed decades as a financial criteria, and the work began when he was working in Germany. But he had never fully understood the size of the livestock disposal of lambing – or thought before to try to deal with the problem directly.
“I’ve been on work for 42 years now, and I have never had a chance to work in a project like this,” he told me. “In fact that is actually researched here in the driving project should its gold weight for the future.”
Guldin, while you are the same with driver’s consequences, warns that the boundaries remain in how much can be done away from technology. Hard work, dangerous, and sometimes sensitive you will need hands – one’s technology, at least for the visible future. “There are restrictions to do the full work of the surface of the sea. Defend, Divers and EOD [explosive ordnance disposal] Experts in the sea sea and experts on site, will never end, there is no way. “
When the first cleaning attempt proves to be successful, there is hope that technology can get organized consumers elsewhere – and not only near Baltic. In the 1970s, worldwide turning to the sea as reasons for disposal of old wood.
But as there is no money to be done in the oldest bombings, any booms in Underwater Munitions are condemned by investing in the environment, which may be rarely. “We can hurry the process and work well,” said Guldin. “The only thing, if you bring more services to the field, it also means someone should pay for them. Do we have a local government that I have my doubts, honesty.”
Sichichermann says: “Two weeks ago I talked to the ambassador of Bahamas.” He said, ‘You are welcome to come and clean everything the Britishes. ‘But they expect you to bring money, not only technology. For that reason, you should always see who is prepared to support money. “Find suitable financial supporters, however, and there will be a lot of possible work around the world, said Sichermannan.” There is certain no shortage of abandoned letters. “
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