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Foxconnn organizes EV event in Japan to Woo Makers, Sources Say

Went-yee Lee, Marki Shiraki and Nomou Lee

Taipei / Tokyo (Foxconn) – Foxconn set to catch a meeting in Japan on April 9 to set up its electricity in electricity, as they have direct knowledge after winning money from Mitsubisi Motors.

The Contract Manufacturer of Taiwan, and operating apple iphones and the NVInian intelligence, aims to increase the understanding of their EV plan between cars and suppliers, one of the sources said.

The EV Strategy Jun Seki, a former Nissan official employed by Foxconn, was expected to speak, add a source. Both of these sources want to be unknown as the program is not yet community.

Foxconnn has declined to comment on both event and Mitsubishi Deal, the first Japanese contract which is found in the construction of its contract and service, aims to make the EVs for car products.

Expourcing Cuercing Cueralds is a major change in Auto in Auto in Auto in the main japanese economic system, but should deal with the growing competition from the nimble Chinese ev sing.

April meeting arrives just after two other sources say that Foxconnnnly receives an agreement to make Evs for Mitsubishi to be sold in the Oceania markets, including Australia.

Kyodo Japanese news began reported on selling mittubish, but they did not say where cars would be sold.

Mitsubishi said that he would continue to examine partnership with various partners.

The agreement is a milestone in Taiwan Firm’s firm’s firm’s firm in making Evs, written after announcement referred to Chinese and Motors in China fell on the road.

“This visual order shows the recognition of Foxconn production skills in the process of expiry traffic,” Utrendforce said a commentator of the Caroline Chen, unlike interactive workshop, integrated, or bought.

“Additionally, the reputation of Mettes Metsubishi Motors will improve the appearance of the partnership.”

Foxtron, Foxconn’s EV Venture in Naker of Taiwan Car Maker Makhon Lulon Count Lulon, who was owned by Yulon, as his primary customer in Taiwan.

Another source in the second group said Mattsubishi Agreement aims to comply with local local laws, while another source said those who said Developed again in New Zealand and Taiwan.

(Wen-Yee Lee, is Mou Lee Taipei, Mark Shiraki in Tokyo and Brenda Goh in Shanghai; Edit Miyoungo Kim and Clarence Fernandez)

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