USA News

Father’s service to the “Father’s service JD JD Judge ‘Ordo Amoris’

In the Editor: In the last 30 years, I have seen many of the stories of miracles when a great counselor or sister reaches the “open arms,” ​​as Father Gregory Boyle adds to his community, helping a child in a patented society. Teenagers growing in poor work can still be successful with friendship and led by a friend who takes place in “God’s weapons.” (“The Problem with the JD Ventor of Expelling Individuals,” Vision, Feb. 17)

To reduce the person in our community, a better life is hurting us all. A study conducted by my organization shows that communities detects the highest tax system and crime.

The JD Veanas deputy president quotes St. Thomas Aquinas to clarify the Trump Administration treatment of immigration communities has not been free enough. Even Aquina said of her death, “All I wrote now is looking like the many grass.”

When our knowledge fails or is divorced, we need compassion. Boyle Dad, showing homosexuality in Untilellcome and brings us all happiness.

Ken Martinet, Los Angeles

The writer is also the Chief Executive Officer of the principal Catholic brothers in Los Angeles.


In the Editor: Thanks, they are ashesle, because renewing my struggle for honoring my Christian neighbors who voted for guidance for tact, distinguishing.

VANCES’S means the maintenance of the doctrine of the doctrine of who – love – or-Order has not helped my struggle. His St. Support of St. Augustine only assured me that those who serve with them were very vulnerable to the religion that have found ways to corrupt Jesus’ teachings.

I may not sleep as easily as their faith in order to draw their own limitations. But I thank the Father Boyle, reminded that I have a good company in my spiritual gay.

Carol Flint, Santa Monica


In the Editor: Finally, the word of loving Witnesses comes from the wilderness!

Likely, a fire is eaten, we listen to my father to Boyle to guide us to live lovingly for the most vulnerable people.

Reach the immigration is filling out centers of confinement and, faithful stewards dismiss aside by doing their job service to serve without hope and on earth. We have to look at each other to Reimagine lives combined with Boyle and to make God’s perfect love.

May it be so. Amen.

Nan Cana, the city of Westlake

The story at the beginning came from the places of Los Angeles.

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