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Duttu appeared in court in Hague Video Video after being arrested

In one case he was considered unthinkable in the state of a state that had a cruel murder of thousands of citizens, Rodrigo Deertter, former president of the Philippines with a video link on Friday.

Mr. Captivity of Mr.

The 30-minute hearing on Friday was a process – Mr Dututer Dutterter said, and Judge Lia Lia Motoc has read his rights and set the day of his next listening.

During Mr. Dutterter as Mayor of Davao City and as President, officials and pornography have been shot tens of thousands of people, the rights of rights. Some victims were small, and many were involved in drug trafficking, activists.

Salvador MedialDea, Mr Dialder, said in court on Friday that Mr Duterte’s arrest was included “pure kidnapping” and called “political points.”

Mr Mediadea added that Mr Dutertter – to appear on the video link in the Blue Suit box, blue tire and regularly sitting with her closed eyes – in her health. “Speaking in English, Mr Dutertne told the court for her birth and birth and birth.

Filipino officials arrested Mr Duttuttere, 78, on Tuesday at the Manila’s large after returning trip to Hong Kong, in the ICC in the ICC.

He is arrested with the assistance of Interpol, on behalf of the ICC because the Philippines is no longer a court member. Mr Dutertter was beaten on Wednesday in Netherlands and sent Hague.

When he runs the president before taking office in 2016, Mr Dutterte invited police and soldiers to get drugs and smugglers to kill them, promising not insecure of those who did the orders.

Mr Dutertter won the culture of misconduct. Up to Tuesday, he once seemed contacted even though taking a public debt of extensive violence.

Mr Dutertte said his confinement was illegal, and the ICC had no power in the Philippines because the country had taken over the court while it was.

Judges rule that the court has legislation because he investigated cases of occurrence while the Philippines is still a member of the ICC

Prosecutor Chrew Mr Dutte with severe dutteres, torture and rapes mentioned between November 1, 2011, where the Philippines is officially from court.

But Mr Dutertter may not be able to not be found in the reach of the court was not a time of political development in the Philippines.

When Mrs. Dutter of the six-year period ended in 2022, followed by Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., a former dictator. Mr. Marcos ran along with Mr Dutter Dutter Deuter Dutter, President of the country.

That the alliance has been cracked, and the two have just dropped. At the beginning of his administrative, Mr. Marcos had revealed that he would not share the ICC, but by the end of 2023, his government allowed court investigations to enter the country.

The ICC is responsible for the major challenge in trying to be sentenced or Mr Dutter. The Court has tried – and a few times failed – disposed of a leader. The former President of Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, was released in 2019 with his role in the violence of this world.

Meeting the level of human crime – Mr Dutertter is facing – The prosecutor must prove that the “drug” campaign was part of the crime led by Mr Dutter and attacked by residents in the Philippines.

Ms Dutertter, who was Hague on Friday, called the arrest of politics in politics, and Mr Marcos said it was following the international convention in the Interpol Warrant.

Speaking outside of court, he said Mr Dutterne and his supporters expressed what was expected to “give us permission to visit the President,” and “will allow our request to move.”

When he accepted the arrest of Mr Duterte, Mr. Marcos may have attempted to eliminate dutches as political power without a large backlash. (Mrs. Duterte leads the election votes of the President in 2028.)

The hearing was set up in September 23 will be used to determine if the prosecutor was sufficient to take the case to be tempted. If Mr Dututerter continued the trial, the case lasted for years.

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