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Dr. Congo protects pressure on top of the refel m23

Despite the pressure of international pressure, Democipricic of Demongirport is strong in its decision that the negative statement and rebel group of M23 has made a major progress in the east of the country in the past months.

Last week, the UK government added to the Childs of the group into part of the “installed” discussion to help find a political solution in conflict.

But in the conversation with BBC, DR Congo Prime Minister Dedith Sungu said his government wanted to negotiate a neighboring Rwanda, where he blamed M23.

At least 8,500 people were killed since the fighting in January, according to Congo authorities.

Hundreds of thousands were forced into their homes between the conflicts caused by war, where UN experts and others saw Rwanda as an important role.

“The Truth Remains a Society of Local Integrity and the Kohno’s Democratic Republic of Congo,” Semwa veils from the 3,000 and 4,000 groups fell in Congolese in the war and fighting with M23.

Peace talks rore Angola and Completed by December after Rwanda wanted the Congolo government to talk directly to M23.

The rebel group has improved quickly, takes cords of the city of Goma and Dutquping in January and February.

In the Eastern Criil line and South Africa, circuit leaders requested the suspension of festivals, from Congosen Terrion into the “State Conditions and Government … including M23.

Rwanda President Paul Kagame did not deny the presence of his troops in Chr Congo when asked about it. “I don’t know,” said the CNN conversation.

The conflict across the border has seen his country, often looks like the Western west, now cure fast food on the board.

Pressure includes there to withdraw their troops on the Congo land.

“But it is not done so successfully,” said it was angry.

Prime Minister Judith Sisival Strung to flee Rwanda in the form of meaning [EPA]

He welcomed the Cebe appointed Minister of Rwanda James Kabarebe, saying they would assist in “pressure from the attackers”. However, Rwanda expelled them as “unfair and unsuccessful in solving a disaster”.

The European Commission for the Insurance Part of the “Defense Reasoning” and is set up “Review” The Memorandum of Understanding signed last year and Rwanda about the activities.

Congongo Prime Minister welcomed the EU commission, said that “illegal services exploitation – is one of the causes of conflict”.

Dr. Congo blaspha Rwanda of illegal exploitation is its mineral money in the eastern country, which denied Rwanda.

In addition to the Chorus against Rwanda, the UK said that last week that among other steps would communicate unless the money led to their poorest soldiers and includes “discussions and puts in the” conversations and applies.

Rwanda explained the decision as “punishing”, saying that it was unrealistic to expect to stop the world’s safety.

Congo Premier, said Rwanda was ignoring all calls to withdraw his troops.

“Therefore, I’m standing in the way of [resolving the conflict]? Not a Congolese government, “he was arguing.

Rwanda has ever acknowledged that their armies ‘by defending them’ in the time of continuous conflict, seeking the right to protect its place.

It also accused the reputation of the Congolo and worked with the Democrac Forces group for the Liberation of the Fedanda (FDLR), his members including mandas from RWandan Genocide.

Asked about that, you have an infected is denied that Congo forces work with FDLR rebels, but they say that his country will participate in the “neutrality” soldiers.

When it came to how to solve the problem when issued negotiations and M23, the Premier said and discussing Rwanda, the answer was easily easy.

“Make sure Rwandan’s armies withdraw from the Congo field and that M23 stopped killing Congo people,” he said.

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