USA News

Donald Trump is only for the President six weeks, and returned a head called “Close to egg values”

If you are genuinely of social, then you know Donald Trump regularly sends amazing things.

A person in a bowl speaks in the office principle with a appearance flag

Like this face with his face and Elvis Presley …

Hybrid Face Image that includes Elvis Presley features on the left with another man on the right

Hybrid Face Image that includes Elvis Presley features on the left with another man on the right

Or this is the picture of his odd gold expressed in his Gaza video:

The largest golden flesh of a man in trial is in the street of a busy city, surrounded by cars and palm trees

The largest golden flesh of a man in trial is in the street of a busy city, surrounded by cars and palm trees

Yes, it is about six weeks as Trump replacing, and recently he has been easy to tell Americans to stop complain about the price of eggs.

Trump once again pulled out the article with her true social account called “Turn off the egg prices – Trump keeps millions of consumers.”

Tweet from Donald J. Trump share link and scanning screen on the Preventive Values ​​by Charlie Kirk; Captures Passes Democrats are happy at egg costs

Tweet from Donald J. Trump share link and scanning screen on the Preventive Values ​​by Charlie Kirk; Captures Passes Democrats are happy at egg costs

The article, written by Charlie Kirk, blows a bid of bids and a pile of to get rid of the problem, but “to raise many chickens to put many eggs takes time.”

“Restoring four years of economic malfirancy will take time to convert, but low lower floor construction blocks, the top growth of the boom has been placed – and soon,” said Kirk.

Of course, back in the campaign field, Trump said: “When I won, I will bring prices, starting on the first day.”

A person speaking with a podium with a text "Trump Vance" including "Text Trump to 88022," surrounded by flag images and shown products

A person who is talking about a podium with the text “Trump Vance” and “Trump Trump to 88022,” surrounded by flag images and products indicated

And after that he was later, he said: “When you buy eggs, they will buy and increase the price in a short time, and I have the choice based on that. We will bring down those doughs.”

A person in a container and tie talking about a time a "Meet the media" Discussion. Early American flags

The person on the container and the tie is talking about the time of “the media”. Early American flags

But as we all know, that promise did not come.

Egg boxes are combined in three different values: $ 19.99, $ 16.99, and $ 17.69. The wet wet signal sign on the right

Egg boxes are combined in three different values: $ 19.99, $ 16.99, and $ 17.69. The wet wet signal sign on the right

Here’s the people who say about Trump on the latest “closed about the price of eggs”

“From” I will do cheap eggs to “close the egg values’ six weeks of God,” the person said.

Tweet is Noah Smith: "From 'I will make the cheap eggs' to 'close the egg values' in the six weeks of God."

Tweet is Noah Smith: “From” I will do cheap eggs’ to ‘close the egg values’ in the six weeks of God. “

“Dude tells Americans to close the prices of food while they spend another weekend playing golf. It’s amazing.”

Tweet is criticizing someone for telling Americans to stop complain about the amounts of food while playing golf on weekends

Tweet is criticizing someone for telling Americans to stop complain about the amounts of food while playing golf on weekends

“When Beden also discovered something ‘egg values’, all Twitter server will dissolve within minutes.” This person said.

Tweet Joking that when Biden is reopened, "close in egg values," Twitter servers can overload

Tweet Joking that when Bidden is reopened, “close egg values,” Twitter servers can overload

I have never closed the egg values, and it should also!

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