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Does the Rock hit your air cover, or is your windshilt hit the rock?

The ball is now behaving so that you can expect. Its horizontal velocity decreases to fall behind the original vehicle. But it will no longer be able to beat your air cover. With air drag and energy loss with impact on the soil, each bounce is low than that before. You have to be well.


Now say that the baby is down the rock window. Children! Or maybe there is a truck carrying stone stones, and some of them raid the crack. When the Rock hit the road, its movement could change in a few ways. First, there is a conflict between rock and road, which will reduce the horizontal velocity. As we have seen above, gradually.

Second – and this can be misunderstood – because the rock is inappropriately shaped, it is possible to be good and hit the area in a way that made you more than the first.

Hold a bit! Isn’t the violation of the law? Do you know, the law of power conservation? Nope, it is power refer. The traveling and dynamic rock has a rotation and translation (lines) of the kinetic power. Some games can change the rotating power interpreting the translation power, which makes the rock roar from. Seriously is bad.

Here’s what can be seen:

So walking on the highway on the highway, says, 70 kilometers per hour – and there is a rock in the air at the top of it. At present it is resting, but you are not. Allow the court to see: The Rock did not hit you. He strikes a rock. But the result is the same. Any way, you need the Wind Whield.

Rock and Roll

This is a visual situation, but what if no truck is in front of you? In fact, the most common cause of air damage rock is lying on the way for another vehicle. You can think that it was shot back in the car behind, but that’s not exactly. The Rock is still not going back.

Look at this: The wheel runs along the roadside and the rock is struck between the tire tread. When the rock meets the dust, rest. Here’s what looked like:

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