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District Attorney Takes Big Decision in Menendez Brothers Trial

Posted by Britta DeVore | Published

Thursday was a big day in Los Angeles as District Attorney George Gascón finally announced how he would handle the Lyle and Erik Menendez case. After the public eye drew attention to the two murders, there was pressure from those who believed the two should be released from prison. And, when it comes to the District Attorney – he wholeheartedly agrees with this side of the argument, recommending that the two be fired.

Awaiting the Judge’s Decision

Passing the recommendation today, Gascón asked the court that the original sentence of life without parole be written down and that the brothers receive the death penalty instead.

This is huge for the Menendez brothers and their case as it could mean they will be granted freedom as soon as the judge gives the go-ahead – ie if the judge agrees with the District Attorney’s opinion. Their age at the time of the double murder plays into their hands, as, if the crimes had occurred when they were over 26, the sentence would have been 50 years to life in prison. However, because they were both under the age of 26, their 34 years in prison would serve as the time limit.

Monsters: The Story of Lyle and Erik Menendez

Gascón noted that everything will go to what the judge considers to be justice but the District Attorney said, “I believe they have paid their debt to the community.” Both the Menendez brothers and their families (many of whom still support the couple) were not told in advance of the change in the case, so they probably got it like the rest of us – through the news. report.

New Evidence

There has been a flurry of new evidence and support pouring in for the Menendez brothers and their murder case in the past few weeks, mostly thanks to Ryan Murphy’s Netflix series. Monsters: The Story of Lyle and Erik Menendez and a documentary with just the title The Menendez Brothers. Part of that new evidence revolves around the brothers’ defense that they had been abused by their father, Jose Menendez, for years.

A member of the boy group Menudo came out and said that he was also molested by Jose Menendez who was an executive at their record label. Another piece of the puzzle in the Menendez brothers’ case comes from a letter Erik wrote to his cousin detailing alleged severe abuse eight months before the murder.

Opportunity for Parole

As for Gascón, the District Attorney said a large part of why he felt the Menendez brothers should be tried and released from prison quickly was because of how they were spending their time in prison. Despite not having the chance for parole more than three decades ago, both Erik and Lyle Menendez have maintained good behavior and are dedicated to working to make the prison a better and safer place for inmates.

Murder shook Los Angeles and especially the community of Beverly Hills when, in 1989, Erik and Lyle Menendez brutally killed their parents, Kitty and Jose, with several gunshots. As soon as the Menendez brothers were arrested, the case took off like wildfire with headlines around the world focusing on the trial.

Source: ABC 7

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