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Prostate Spike Cancer Cancer Comes, as doctors share potential reasons

Prostate cancer cases have increased in California, according to new research.

Research is UC San Francisco (UCSF) includes about 388,000 familiar-cancer among 2004 and 2021.

The temporary rate of cases have increased by 6.7% on average between 2011 and 2021, a Jama study was revealed.

General type of cancer can be obtained by a new blood test

Although prostate cases of prostate cancer refused 2.6% a year from 2004 to 2012, and in 2012 to 2021. These methods and region, researchers receive.

In 2018, US prevention services began to recommend that men between 55 and 69 discussed the “potential benefits and injuries of their doctors,” according to the release of the media in UCSF.

Rising cases correspond to change in PSA (Prastate-Antigen Antigen), where the US Convercy Services Task Force (Spistf) has stopped recommendation in 2012, according to the issuance of UCSF media.

The guidelines were converted to reduce the number of patients with prostate cancer contributed to the “Dangerous intervention” in the types of the disease.

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According to UCSF, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men and the cause leading to the second cancer death.

Curstate Cancer, however, may be calculated and “never scary” – and PSA evaluation “does not separate between the cancer, which results in a cancerous deaf.

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Prostate cancer is most cancer among men and the cause leading to the death of cancer. (Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg with Getty Pictures)

“On the other hand, if tests can be made, timely diagnosis can be missed – those prices may be treated successfully when available early,” UCSF noted.

Snowing in the ban “unfortunately may have led to other the following the rise in the incidents of a remote disease,” According to investigators.

“If the test is not done, the timing of advanced diagnostic is not missing.”

CCSF wrote that the findings “strengthen the need for inspections that may point to tumors that can kill without exacerbating the false alarms.”

Hospital Bed Man

Increasing conditions can be due to various factors, including obesity and increase in alcohol and fatty, according to the doctor who spoke of Fox News Digital. (Stock)

“To find the best way to go to the Prostate screen continues to be challenging for researchers,” Lead writer Dr. L. Blarigan, Biostatics and Rogy, said in a statement.

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“Without testing, the number of males found by prostate cancer and when treatments are so effective – they go up immediately.”

Fox News Senior Anny Medical Analyst Dr. Marc Siegel, who was not involved in the study, and called the need for regular checkups.

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“[Screenings] It has been dropped in many areas, including California, as the US Prepentive Services Forces A recommendation of PPA as a regular test tool, I maintain a digital, so not all PSA automatically designed biopsy. “

Based on the Prostate Cancer charges throughout the ages, Siegel emphasized the need to “find it early for better results.”

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“Without testing, the number of males obtained has the right-handal cancer – when treatments are as effective – they go up immediately,” the researcher said.

Siegel has suggested that the increase in conditions may be there because of different aspects, including obesity, ultrapprocessessessed olvosesed and increasing drinking food.

David R. David, MD, PHD, URLOGISTING SERVICE OF THE GENITITOOUT FICOLIC INCOGOGOGY IN NYO Langone Perlmutter Perlmutter Cancuructs Cancer Center, and yields to this environmental increase.

“To return to the Prostate Call Cancer test will be to return the result.”

“The cold Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cancer Cancer in California is accompanied by the reports of others, including the American Cancercial Community,” clever research, told Fox News Digital.

“It is possible to show postal results of prostate Cancer Cancer. To return to the exchange of prostitutional cancer

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“Well-based examination, development by MRI Biomarkers and the novel-based biomarkers, is also available to save men with unnecessary treatment while confirming aggressive men,” Add.

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