DAX Shepard has a notice before Andrew Schulz Podcast Episode

Dax Shepard had a message of his audience before its podcast episode with Andrew Schulz.
“Today we have a visitor for instagram for a few years now,” said Shepard, 50, Monday said on March 17, Podwaair Expert “Podcast, Before Talking to Coost Monica Padman. “This is fun because you could be put on Andrew, probably some his jokes. Before coming, I said, ‘I would like you, but there will be some stress.’ So this was a unique and wonderful piece. You guys really bring it out. “
Shepard explained that this piece was ‘truly political’ Despite the podcast usually trying to “avoid political.”
“I was, ‘There is no way we do this without going all,'” Shepard remembered. “For me, it was very nice because we never did it. And in the midst of her, I was, ‘Yes, that’s why we do nothing.’ Because we get a granular in the granular concerning this policy or that year or anything. But I thought it was fun to live in the side and look at all this thing. “
In the piece, Schulz’s wrong jokes are not fully shown. While you discuss the Netflix of a new comic, Healthwho is experiencing his trip to the presence and a wife WoodPadman asked Schurz about his joke about the needs of the children.
“I can say it is my worms,” ​​Schulz, 41, adds a R name, “if I have an embryo, I can call whatever I want.” They stand. “

Dax Shepard, Andrew Schulz.
Pictures of Getty (2)Padman pointed out that Schulz does not have a child with special needs, and can break ways and a troubled parent who saw a joke to his daughter’s school.
When Padman asked if he was “caring” for the Watchtower, Schulz replied, “How well it depends on it.
Elsewhere in Podcast, Trio began to discuss the rights of transfer.
“There is something that people don’t go, that is, ‘they should compete against [cis] Women? ‘… No. But we can say, ‘It sucks. That is, ‘Schulz said that Shepurd said, “Let Shepard replace.
Schulz noticed that “no room in Twitter is a little sensitive update during” discussing these problems.
“So it seems strong and difficult, and we find things in 180 characters, even if the character limit, even if there is a human limit, ‘a person sucks as a person.’ Because I believe there are styles that have things. So I think that there are some little kids that may not only be more than 100 people. swimmers. ‘ And He is like, ‘I don’t give you a swimming.’ “
Kustruz, “he loves” to have conversations with people who share different ideas rather than his ideas “are sharp.”
“I’m like a ” Oh, I’m talking about this unpleasant and focusing on all these people.
Schulz also faced a friendship – or lack of – Shepard’s friend Jimmy KimmelHe remembered that collision and his Aaron Rodger. (Kimmel and Rodger’s Feud returned to 2021, but we were ruled in 2024 when the NFL player prevented the Night Night keepers should be concerned about the nights Jeffrey EPSTEINS. Kimmel hit the allegations and threatened to take legal action. Roger later said that he did not ‘blame “Kimmel on the list.)
“I felt that he began to joke, then he was a joke, then I think Jimmy found real life conditions. “There are many crazy people out there. Then he did it to joke. How was I, ‘yo, open the door with jokes.’ He answered jokes. And then you are, ‘what you do is dangerous.’ “
Schulz continues, “Jimmy lives in one of me watching and admired. “
Schulz may also have no wife to Shepard’s wife, Kristen Bell. Shepard recalled the couple, who tied a knot in 2013, to Schulz Show – and one joke that did not arrive.
“I had Krististen in the board, was Andrew Schulz F, train.

Schulz explained that the background of the joke “made a lot of graduates” to one person. “When it goes, love, 20, I think there should be an intervention where it’s, ‘All right, we’ll do something here.’ The idea is the beginning of a joke. It makes it a stupid joke, “Schulz said there Shepurd explained that Bell took the matter with men not joked.
When they continued to discuss her opposing jokes, Shepard said that the first became ‘fear’ that Schulz was in the time of reproof Kendrick lamar.
“He has released album, and he had a line. He was like, ‘Never allow the White Comedian in the Dark Woman, that Law,” You have a confirmation “of Laxer’ line”. “I didn’t answer churches. I had to shoot special, I didn’t really care about me. That wasn’t even something that bothered me in line.”
Schulz continues, “The next line is here, ‘and, and, and in the N”s,” he is “sitting” to both.’ … so the slide is like attacks or killing. I think, and the world thinks, talking about Ukabagagne including Alex MediaTwo black dude in the question. So if you tell people to kill my friends, you get what I give you. “
Schulz noted that Lamari said that “the stupid thing” to him, add, “not telling your followers or slides, even if it’s not bad for that person.”
Stchulz, in response to a song, remembered people and made the answer “Prejudification is very quick.” Schulz said his answer was “ready” after Lamar was said to Lamar said that “his followers even killed my friends.”
“It is still the same as playing as it is with us, I will kick your ass. But now I’m so worried about you because I like, ‘Yes, you think you’re a realistic person.’ Kendrick is a national heritage. You are the Pulitzer Wempers, No More Majieves or Lovers. And I Go, “Brother We Will Opportunity? We’ll choose our battles. ‘
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