Education News

Csudh announces some sources of study of job study

On February 25, California State University, Dominguuuez Hills, relocated to college employers that the University had used nearly all its current school year. Notice is expanded by the article, not wrongly said the compass was terminated by student workers.

Csudh is fully committed to ensuring our FWS students receive the number they expected. Management has shown some funding sources to compensate these students, including the University Scholarship and the grant funds for those qualified, and funding to be read.

This will be a complex work, due to various circumstances and each department. In the meantime, the University requests that departments have postponed the employment decisions involved with the employees of staff until employees provide more information.

Going forward, CSUDH uses new internal controls over Hiring and Tracking To Tracking Facility FWS Top FWS. We will also be caused by the FWS training to support employers and time to rent and control FWs.

CSUDH deeply appreciates the patience and interaction for our campus society while working to resolve the matter immediately and equally to all students.


Lilly Mckibbin
A news specialist
California State University, Dominessuuez Hills

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