Combined Pension Rules (UPS) from April 1: UPFRDA informs work guidelines – 5 objects you do not know

Pension Fender Fund Regader and Development Authority (PFRDA) has informed the UCTTIVIC PENSION SCHEPLOWS (UPS), from the official notice of Portal (NPSCRA.NS.NO.INL.
Forms will be re-accessed from government employees in offline mode.
Here are five important things you do not know about this development:
The UPS will be accessed as the option of the public personnel are currently covered at the National Pension Program (NPS).
Read also: UPS VS NPS OPS: The basic rating of retirement rs of Rs 95,000; 27 pension service; Know where you can find the highest pension
2. The rules will enable three public servants teams to register a pension plan:
- The local government official workers in April 1, 2025, covered under the National Pension Scheme (NPS)
- The new internal government employs to join the service on April 1
- Central Government’s householders covered under NPS having a Superansneed, voluntarily, retiring under basic principles 56 (j) on 511
3. In the third human staff, if the registered subscriber after retirement without using the UPS option, Their official married spouse You will be able to select the program.
4. When will the communities within the back of the back of the back of the back of the background be able to access the capacity?
Central government workers want to choose the integrated pension plan to work from April 1 until June 30, according to PFRDA.
Read also: UPS vs NPS NPS ops: storage basic basic text of Rs 70,000; Pension service for 20 years? Know where you can find the highest pension
5. When does a new middle government begin to hire to select UPS?
The Government of Central Recrets joined or after April 1 will have to choose within 30 days of joining the service.