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China, Russia ‘may’ use AI to try and disrupt the upcoming election: CSE – National

China, Russia and Iran ‘may have used artificial intelligence and distracting the next Canadian election, a new assistance from Canada Security Security Canada, but it is impossible to reduce the integrity of the vote.

The annual report of cyber in Canber Democracy, has been removed, said cybercriminnls are linked to those tools produced will use Diarties adys Audings to close the DISDOMMIONS “

Canadian politicians and political parties may be addressed in the critical details of the sensation and hack-and-flight functions to continue sowing, the report said.

“We examine that the PRC, Russia, and Iran will use AI services to interfere with the prioritization process before and its elections,” said the Canadian report and Chaneber SenersterCicice of China.

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“Still, we consider how hostile players will make destructive attacks against electoral infrastructure, such as trying to be elevated electronic communications programs, other than a close or accurate conflict.”

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The report also emphasizes the “Canasian risk statistics” in Canada, especially women and people of BGBTQ2, they faced pornography. Such content can prevent people from working for a political office, and they will continue to grow outside the correct laws, warning.

“In addition, we examine that, at least sometimes, the content has already sown to destroy the anti campaign,” said the report.

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The final report from Federal Public external investigation issued last month said Diadicforms represented the greatest threat to Canada Development. It means that the rise of artificial intelligence was behind that test.

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The CSE report said the quality of the quality, access and access to AIs of AI enabled AI has enabled the use of such worldwide election equipment.

The center said the quarter of all the elections between all the elections between 2O222 and 2024 we saw the disruption and influence of the influence that used AI, compared to one two years ago.

It identifies many cyber-related events during the last US election, including the depth of the US President Donald Trump’s Campaign by Iran, such as significant examples.

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The agencies that China and Russia have been in the best possible AI campaigns two years ago in the past two years – while they failed to call most campaigns to some characters – and they will continue to attend the future.

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The depth of the depth and resources by other countries are raised “batting or immovable characters,” said, seeing the products produced and those in the foreigner.

“The CSE has been ready to perform a foreign cyber tasks to protect our country from hostile threats, if the Canadolians may assist with the audit of the information they see on the report.

At the same time, the organization said that AI was also used to assist foreign nationals to quickly analyze the data collected from intended programs through the intended services through Mass Hacking activities.

“The world says, especially the PRC, makes campaigns to collect large data, collect billions of data points to democratic politicians, public statistics, and citizens around the world,” said the report.

“Development in Ai Convertive Allows and analyze this data.

The Canadian Center for Cydian Center for cyber security warns cyber-sponsored cyber, including Federal, provincial, municipal facilities and indigenous.

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Know that public government agencies were postponed by the PrC Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Songsoso More than 20 years old years later, and were warned by the Chinese “work in China faces the Canadian government.

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“Combined together, Pric Cyber ​​players have a volume of resources and complex pursuit of many government goals in Canada at the same time,” said Bulletin.

Internal Earth’s internal investigation came after international issues and some of the media stores were reported in alternative actions by Chinese elections to enter Canadian elections and democratic elections. The final report confirmed that efforts for many disturbances took place.

Government has introduced new ways since then looking for the public about the efforts of external disorders, including work force that deals with the threat of threats.

Last month, the campaela Freeland leadership was warned on the Desecred Desecformed campaign that spread the topics of false stories about Hatsapp.

& Copy25 Global News, Division of Corsa Entertainment Inc.

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