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‘Mona Lisa’ You Will Get Its Room Under Louvre Maintenance

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday that “Mona Lisa” will find its dedication location within Louvre Museum under great restructuring that will take 10 years.

The renovation project, the Louvre New Renaissance, “will include a new new department near the seine river, opening in 2031, shown Macron in the case from the State of Leonardo da Vinciap.

The previous version of the DA Vinci’s “Mona Lisa ‘Wonts Art Arvers after displaying

Macron did not expose the funding directly to the project to make the museum very well-visited, suffering from the overpayment facilities and expired areas. But approximately 800 million euros ($ 834 million).

Louvre’s last completion is finally in the 1980s, where Iconic Glass Pyramid was revealed.

Looking at the End:

Move to make Louvre’s experience easier

Macron said the increase in the museum would allow “Mona Lisa” will be distributed to the new room, which is dedicated to visitors on a special ticket. That will make visits easier for those who want to see the painting and reduce the experience of other guests throughout the boss, said he.

France President Emmanuel Macron gives a talk to announce several years, the long investment to make the Louvre Da Vinci Vinci, Louvre Museum, Jan, Jan. 28, 2025 in Paris. (Bertrand Guay, Pool Via AP)

“Display conditions, explanation and presentation will be as to what is ‘eligible monarch’,” she said.

Leonardo’s art work is now shown after a protective glass in the largest museum room, full of visits that yearns to take selfIE with a wonderful woman image. That makes some paintings in the Venetian painting room such as Tentiles and Verones can be known for many.

The big museum update in 1980 was designed to receive 4 Year visitors.

Last year, Louvre received 85 million guests for foreigners and especially foreigners from the United States, China, and neighboring Italy, UK, Germany and Spain.

It is very expensive and complicated

Macron said the new Louvvre department would be built near the seine in 2031, ticket support, support and licensed at the museum branch.

The design competition will be scheduled for the coming months, he said. In addition, some new landscapes will be built to expand the museum.

The Frencho chief executive is estimated for 700 to 800 to 800 million euros) in the next decade, including part of the new department. The official could be reported in accordance with the French President’s cultural culture.

Macron said the ticket prices will be raised to external tourists from outside the European Union, from 22 euros ($ 23) now. He promised the museum is safe and very comfortable for both civil and staff.

Compare this project to re-opening Notre Dame Dame

Louvre’s budget is supported by the French government, including 2,200 staff.

Another part of the private sessions including ticket sales, cash deposits from restaurants, stores and special events, and consumers and other partners.

Water leak and damage

The redemption announcement arrived after the Director of Levre Leurence Des Cars expressed his concerns on the culture of Rachida Date at the beginning of the “Exposent.

According to the French Document the French New Perisien newspaper warned against a slightly deterioration of a building because of the water leak, the rate of temperature and other “risk of art.”

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The pyramid operated at the Museum Department, revealed in 1989 as part of the President of François Mitter Mitter, now is already expired. The area is not properly installed from cold and heat, and often increases the sound, which makes space uncomfortable for all society and staff, agriculture.

In addition, the museum suffered a lack of food options and restrooms, he said.

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