Captain Captain’s Slay Fire was arrested in Mexico
Slain Clit Port Capt. Rebecca Marodi was arrested on Saturday in Mexicaali and transferred the San Diego’s mars, where there would be a report on suspicion, authorities said.
Yolanda Olejniczak Marodi, 53, was arrested as accused of three weeks ago in his wife’s death on February 17.
He was arrested on Saturday at a hotel area of ​​Mexico, according to the Baja Citicornia Security Security Security Security. Mexico security agencies have been Olejniczak Marodi on the US border, where he was released from MARSHAFS, with the release from San Diego County Sheriff.
Yolanda Marodi, known as Yolanda Olejniczak, the suspect when his wife died, the captain of fire.
(San Diego Sheriff’s office)
You will be booked in the cell in San Diego for murder, and the murder of the murder of Marod is continuing, according to release.
Marodi, 49, a decorated fire supposed to fight Eaton’s fire, was found stabbed to death at his home in San Diego County Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community. He and Olejniczak Marodi were married for more than two years.
Olejniczak Marodi was tried with a murder charge – her husband, James Joseph Olejniczak. He agreed to a voluntary case after Olejniczak’s stabbing stabbing in 2000 worked for about ten years in prison.
Olejniczak Marodi was still in the death of Mary and was fired in Mexico on the night of his killing, according to Sheriff’s office. He has been seen in the video of the previous evening “against Rebecca and attacked him in the body” before leaving the house, according to Sheriff’s office.
The Marodi had told his wife to finish their marriage a week before her death, Madodi Mary told managers.
Home Safety Safety from the ring camera at a couple’s home has shouted brutal cruelty on February 17, according to the authority of arrest. The woman – believed that Marodo – can be heard on video cry as “Wolfanda! Please … I don’t want to die!” Before appearing in the video with blood on his back, according to warranty.
Visible blood can be seen on Olejniczak Marodic arms in this video, according to warranty, and it appears to carry a knife. Footage then show that both women who come home with Olejniczak Marodi later saw “Gathering Pets, Illegal Things.
The same car crossed the Mexican border for about an hour.
Times of the writer’s writer Lin had contributed to this report.
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