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The Sudan Civil War is starved to death thousands of children. AID workers say that Trump’s help is snow can cost many lives.

Omdurman, Sudan – It is the biggest problem of people in the world, but maybe the one you have heard. It was motivated for about two civil war, Sudan, in the congregation a Human Maked Famine.

More than 25 million starvation people are more than half of the African Country – and those, 32 children under 5 years of poor nutrition.

Despite those combined figures, Sudan’s brutal conflict is often called “forgotten war.” It has been attacked in the shadows of other global conflicts, including war in Gaza and Ukraine.

Relief organizations were already fighting against the problem of the glorious famine famine, and those organizations warned the establishment of President Trump’s Day Cell Help now threatening the Sudanese disaster into a coming disaster.

For a moment in 2019, it seemed that the new era began. The reputation of popular events. The one who had been a Tire of Dabanke al-Bashir. But instead of the new government of citizens, two generals, Mohamad Daglo, as well as the Sudan Army Commander Gen-Burhan joined soldiers and strength to power.

Photo Photo: Lieutenant General Mohamed Mohamed Hamdala greets his supporters as he arrives at the meeting in the village in Aprag
Lt. Gen Mohamed Daglo, the Fastest Energy Head of Sudan (RSF), greeting supporters in the Aprag village, approximately 40 kilometers from Khartoum, Sudan, in the June File.

Bektas / Reuters

Under the partnership agreement, they were to provide the power of new, elected executives within two years. But that never happened. Instead, in 2023, they were famine and Scroll to the country in a cruel civil war That has been attacked since.

The US government has provided both leaders, Accusation for RSF for Daglo for Rain Resolution and Burhan and the army of other military cases.

Inside the interest caused by the Sudan civil war

It has taken our CBS news team about two years to get the visas needed to enter Sudan. As soon as we were inside, we had to call 12-14 hours a day to reach places next to the front lines, passing many tests on the way.

The street service, armed forces seek copies of our permissions, passports and visa – had printed more than 100 copies of each group members, and had to print more.

One of the biggest battle are now in al-Gezira, Al-Fasher and Darfur. Arriving when it was not possible, but what we found next to the front lines were very stressed.

On one of the tents of many tents where thousands of families were looking for shelter, we saw a new child from starving. We have come out with Unicefs volunteers when they look at the situation of children under 3. Everyone seen him is very well, meaning that without intervening, they are at risk of death.

Parole-killed child is held by a child at Omdurman, 12 kilometers from the fight against Sudan’s Sudan battle between Sudan Khartoum, at the end of January 2025.

CBS stories

The worst cases are admitted to hospital, and their small bodies simply spent away. We saw the children fighting with breathing their own, some containing the water that disappeared from the body to cry.

Al-Buluk’s Children in Omdurman, 12 kilometers from the fight and Khartoum, we met Dr Mohammad played. Cincinnati Loven is Danadan as volunteer and doctor without limits.

“I think we’re in a painful crisis here in Sudan,” he told CBS News.

Dr Mohammad Misada (left) Cincinnati’s traditional service at Dincinnati at Dincinnati Doctors outside of the hospital, it seems to treat the well-malnourished child in Omdurman, at the end of January 2025.

CBS stories

When we arrived, he played directing the 13-month-old Ibrahim Jafar group. The doctors said the young boy was nearing death and the sight of it was seriously because of malnutrition.

“The biggest malnutrition happened later,” said he’s Hanga Play. “This is when children do not get enough diseases …

Ibrahim’s family was trapped in the province of Al-Gezira for months.

“There is no food,” his grandmother, Aamat Abubaker, told us. “There are nothing, even water.”

He desired the war to end. At one point, he cried and wept, was so worried that he had left you too late to flee him to save his grandson. It was the fear of all the parent in the emergency ward.

Sudan - Heat-Cbs-2025.jpg
The most immigrant Ibrahim jafar was seen by the al-Buluk children in Omdurman, Sudan, in the late January 2025.

CBS stories

Doctors and health products all tell us the same thing: Without human resource and medical interventions, the children we have seen in the garden will not live.

Much of this help comes from You’re at homeThe Tens of the Angelizers is the US government president Trump snow. Since September 2024, Ben Managers said to make more than $ 2 billion in the response of Sudan’s urgent emergency promise. $ 276 million was sent by USAID.

The Americane was also a very great work of the United Nations World ‘World’. CBS stories have visited the WFP Port Sudan, and we saw it full of thousands of Sorghum bags, grain type. Most of it have been paid by the US

USAID’s work says “Everyone is really afraid” after the agency after lock


The grain bags in the dust collect more than a month while WFP is fighting with deteriorating bureaucracy, waiting for permission to submit to those in need.

As the rival warlords burnout the country, everything has been used, from Sexity of Sexin food. Both sides of conflicts are usually protected by food assistance in achieving millions of starvation Sudan.

As if there was no hard enough, the WFP Head of Communications Leni Kinzli told CBS news that the external support of the Propi Propis could be seen as a Sudan’s disaster.

“The start time is now,” he said. “It’s time to raise money.”

He asked if Sudan’s people could wait for 90 days, Kinzli said, “all one delays means that lives are lost.”

“We are very worried that when we finally get to these areas on a scale we need to be late, and we will be digging bodies instead of feeding,” he said.

We went back and we will see the baby’s Ibrahim on the next day. His situation was deteriorated, but the doctors had never been abandoned – they were determined to make sure, at least from that little boy, it won’t be too late.

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