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Bitget launched the Global Graduate Graduate program to farm next generation of the Web3 Web3

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Bitget launched the Global Graduate Graduate program to farm next generation of the Web3 Web3

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Victoria, Seychelles, Feb. 17, 2025. Calling education programs, new items, and long-term growth in the Blockchain industry.

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The Bittet Graduate program requires high-quality graduate degree in the sense of global, innovation love, and a strong Web3’s future test drive. The program provides employment opportunities in various fields, including activities, product management, risk management, data management and engineering are able to obtain a hand-related experience in one of the fastest.

Applications are now open to the official Bittet website and will be available until March 15, 2025. Participants will have the opportunity to work on BlockChain cutting projects and contribute to the growth programs of Web3.

“In the Bitget, we believe that the future of Web3 is lying in the hands of the next generation,” said Vugar Si Zade, an active epistle in Bitget. “The title is intended to close the gap between the desire and opportunity, providing smaller experts in the Blockchain industry.

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The Bitget provides powerful and varied workspace, with more than 1,800 employees from more than 60 countries and culture that allows properly, art, and cooperation. The program provides competition for competition, clear ways to develop skills, and the opportunities for growth within the Bitget.

Integrated May 2023, Blockchain4Yourth aligns the Bitget commitment to the promotion of the next generation to accept Blockchain. With 10 million security strikes in five years, the program provides courses, Hackathons and lessons. By the end of 2024, the Bitget includes over 60 universities, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (UCL), Hong Kong University of Argentina, National Taiwan University, and and RTMIT University, to handle approximately 100 talks and access to more than 13,000 students.

For more information on the Bittet Graduate program and the application process, visit this link.

About Bitget

He was established in 2018, Bitget is the Cryptocurrency Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange for Web3 and Web3 Company. Working for over 100 million users in 150 countries and in the BITGET are committed to helping users work through its pioneering aspect of Bitcoin, and Bitcoin prices, while the Cryptocurnency prices. Earlier is known as Bitkeep Wallet Fund of Multi-Chain Crypto that provides comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including the performance of the Web3 Fund’s performance, Token switch, DUP browser, DAPP, and more.

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The Bitget is the priority of driving a crypto advertisement of the strategic partnership, such as its role as a legitimate crypto League partner, LibgraIn the Mpumalanga Market, Sea and Latam, along with a global partner of Turkish National Athletes Cwance Tosun Çavuşeoğlukuku (Wrestling World Champion), MEVER Gümüş (Boxing Gold Medalist) and İlkin Aydın (The Volleyball National Team), to promote the worldwide community to accept the future of Cryptocurrency.

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Dreaming | Bitget Wallet

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