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Essay in Panopticon (View)

Not households The voice (more than Academia, however), “Panopticon” However, they turn to amazing stories – here and here, for example, and here. Izimpande zamaGrikhi zikhomba okuthile “konke okubonayo,” futhi ngezikhathi ezithile ukusebenziseka cishe kuhlale kusebenza njengesichazamazwi salokho okubizwa ngokuthi yikho okubizwa ngokuthi yi-video camera emphakathini (futhi kuvame ukuba yimfihlo) Isikhala, sihlanganiswe nokuchofoza konke oku-keystroke ku-inthanethi ukulandela, okugciniwe, kuhlaziywe and combined with large data.

However, in the beginning, Panopticon is what the British political cereal is Jeremy Bentham proposed as a new jail model at the end of the 18th century. The design was smarter. It also included paranoid night. And sometime, it seemed common.

Imagine the cylindrical structure, Each floor containing the cell ring, and Watchtower magple in the center. From here, the prison workers have a random vision of all cells, where the night returned with lights. At the same time, inmates are prevented from seeing who is in the tower or watching them, because of a system of one-way screens.

Prisoners will never be sure that their actions are considered. Continuous opportunities that the matchless authorities will ‘strengthen your detained conscience- or to include one, if necessary.

The panel-enclosed area was a job food. Besides building a good character, workers would receive prisoners a little money (that managed interesting in management), while producing money to cover food and housing. Bentham is expected to have a business open.

He had similar programs to make productive citizens of the poor. The Panoptic Goodhouse, in his sentence, “Again Rogues.” Schoolchildren’s education may go better if it is driven on panoptic lines; Similarly and caring for madness. Bentamthropic wishes were nothing if they were wrong, although they were innocent.

The purpose of inventing complete surveillance is sometimes exploded against Bencam’s time limitations. (I find it difficult to see how screens will work, for example.) But he tends to develop a vision, which wanted to be interested in various places. Panopticon elements were paid in prisons during Bencam’s life-life life – with the east year in Pennsylvania, opened in 1829 – but not entered his full satisfaction. He always met colorful Scriptures, making a design perfect and to do it. Worked the correct pipeline system. He thought about everything, or he tried.

Only at the end The 20th century interviewed a panopticon without the positions of Penologists and benham scholars. Even experts often ignored the seed, as the American historian Gertrude Himmelfarb complained from the book since 1968. “Not only are the historians and legal lions, but the analysts of pain seem unusual of the most important features of BaMam’s plan.”

Large rotation completion came after Michel Foucault’s Discipline Jeze: Birth of the Prison (1975). Apart from the value of Panopticon in the design of the prison design, Foucault treated you as a prototypical of the new social art: The appearance of institutions and commands that requires access to information (and exercise). Panopticism wanted to manage the population fluently, efficiently and efficiently, with the smallest management of the management.

This was actually a technical device for the Benham uses, describing the appropriate social arrangement as it creates the greatest happiness in most people. Benttham used analysis of cost costs at social facilities and human behavior to find out how many sensible lines can be restored.

In Foucault, the Panopticon donated more than the social conversion attempt, however Gradiodior. He intends, he writes, “strengthening social power – increasing production, economic development, educational, raise public morality; increase and increase.”

If Betham’s new is in different cases the use, that is because it promises to enforce the order in redirecting each person.

From the idea of ​​Technocratic, a part of many public dysfunatal is a raw material built in. The panopticon is a tool for people’s ideal for modern use.

The prisoner, a rich man, or a student thrown to Panopticon, the Foucault wrote, “is banned from the custody in front of the manager; The population is a crowd (something that concerns anyone with authority, especially with the French revolutionary work), but it can do so well.

May remember him Himself for his help purposes, Bentham suggests that people from foreign country are allowed to visit the Panopticon monitoring deck. Foucault explains, with a dry endony, that this will prevent any danger “that the expansion of the panctic machine may be a vocaline …” Because the Panopticon will be less democratic control, type.

“Any member of the public,” Foucault commented, ‘had the right to see in her own schools, hospitals, factories, factories, prisons. “Besides the public comment, their existence will affect the Panopticon’s operations. Visitors were not meeting inmates (or students, etc.)

As shown in the The beginning of this clip, noncholarly directions in the Panopticon in the 21st century often appear as comments on online life. This undoubtedly follows Discipline and Submit Being in a glass, in different stadiums, two or three generations now.

Betham was convinced that his work would be notified of the centuries to come, but it may be confused about this answering in his sense. He designed a panopticon “grinding rogues” with an unknown and continuous consideration, which is a digital paniptic manner and without preventative result, gently.

Betham’s efforts to end the prevention of lessons that do not seem to be frustrated; The Panopic technology of this time is organized to produce poisoning symbol and voyeism. Over the past few decades, a new digital technology is considered a dilemma, self-employment or other desire. Through all its limits, the matching of Benham’s Panopticon matches one respect: to fleeing even even thinking.

Scott McLemee is Within the top“Stories” of intelligence “. He was the Editor who offered AT Lingua Franca and the magazines and a higher author in History of Higher Education Before joining Within the top in 2005.

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