Best Animated Series as The Simpsons Rule Hulu

Because Bob’s Burgers has changed over the years from a series that is close in tone to Family Guy than The Simpsonsit can get better with age. Modern seasons rely on musical numbers, something the show does very well, building a credit gag for a small musical number to work on the show. The change, and the one that I still think could be the best because now I wish this was real, came in “Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl,” the first episode of Season 5, featuring kids in a musical competition, Die Hard again Working Girl.
Die Hard: The Musical It’s a brilliant idea and it needs to happen. That episode is also where the tonal shift comes into full effect, and from that point on, the episodes get pretty good, usually with Bob giving some sort of lesson to the kids, but there’s still that undercurrent of bad humor.
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