At least 9 dead, including 8 in Kentucky, as winter storms beat the US | Weather news

The dead entered my mother and seven-year-old daughter and swept away the rains in Kentucky.
At least nine people were killed after the severe winter weather attacked the United States, including eight people in Kentucky because of heavy rains.
Governor State, Andy Beshear, said the week, the floods had to be saved.
Beshear said many of the death, which was contributed to the mother and a seven-year-old child, caused by cars to cling to the high water.
“Therefore, live on the streets right now and stay alive,” he said.
“This search class and saving, and I am very proud of all Kentuckians coming out of the response, putting their lives in line.”
Beshear said storms have empowered about 39,000 homes, but warned that wicked spirits elsewhere could grow out.
Elsewhere, the North Tafains face life-threatening clocks, and Tornado watches have been issued parts of Georgia and Florida.
In Kentucky, Hart County Coroner Tony Roberts said before the mother and baby were swept away on Saturday night in Bonnieeville.
At the Osoutheideon Kentucky, a 73-year-old man was found in the Parnics in Clay County, the deputy paramed deputy County Managemer.
The parts of Kentucky and Tennessee have received 15 inches (15 inches) during the weekend storms, said Bob Oravec, the National Horker Predictor.
“The results will continue for a while; many swollen streams and many floods take place,” Oravec said on Sunday.
In Atlanta, Georgia, a man was killed when “the greatest tree” fell back home early, according to the Atlanta Fire Rescus Captain Scott Powell.
At that time, it is expected to be in a powerful ice fuf in the New England and North New York parts.
Weather experts say the US will receive its 10 and the largest Polar Vorte vortex event an event in this season, with the North and North and North and the plains starting in line.
Arctic weather joined pushing a delicious wind that often lives near the North Pump in US and European.
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