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Altadena, to fight and save survivors of the fire

Oki trees saved a blue house in the East Calaveras Street. Seriina Covorrubias was convinced.

When he returned behind Eaton’s fire, most of the neighbors in Altadena was a waste. Home and shops in North Fair Oaks were destroyed. His garage and his precious field was demolished. His house was full of smoke – but survived, and two oaks protected. You have considered little miracle.

In a few weeks, the armies of the engineers of engineers marred trees to be removed, but the certified arborolists had considered them as a second vision and to see them healthy. Oaks, believing that at least 60 years of age, they did not appear to prevent any entry points or to be dangerous with green leaves with games.

Doesn’t matter. Last weekend, about two months of the fire, they were cut down.

“When I found this, it was just as bad as I thought I lost myself,” said Conkabias, 43.

Seriina Covorrubias kneels next to California live live oak the title after controlling.

(Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

According to Rebecca Letta, thousands of Altadaena trees are marked: o’clock, pines, sycamores, Dedar Cedars – trees that have planned for decades.

Now, he and some of the bookmakers, local experts and citizens together to try to save the survivors of the fire and maintain the leaves.

Authorities do not deduct the number and number of cut-trees. The Army Corps are ensured to look for tree branches and root branches, as well as the possibility of death within five years, according to the universe.

Latta and the private body of the trained trees that planned your churches to believe that many trees are unfair removal. Some have experienced damage to smoke and may have looked dead in their winter appearance, but underground underground shows that many trees will repeat again. And after the rain, some already started to describe the leaves – welcomes green tufts in the landscape tufts.

Latta, started with a green grass in the day after the fire to collect volunteers, grew up in a city that was not included above Pasadena above Pasadena; You know these trees. He has been pursuing the sound of the chains in all Altadena and examines marked trees so that they will be removed and tested Covarrubics’ oak. In addition to blue dots and red ribbon tied to trees the signal removal, his group added the green ribbon to “keep,” I am sure that the trees would not fall and they would continue to grow.

Comparrubias contacted Los Angeles County and bodies, informing them that they do not have permission to reduce the trees. He said he had never made a walk, and he did not give a verbal or written consent – the meaning of the joint information center said the requirements before the removal of a tree. Earlier he had signed the right to the entrance form, which provides permission to clean up the waste and approves the release of a dangerous tree – a visible test – but he tried to save you.

The ComparrubIBIAS ‘Mama or nearby neighbors have been bereaved to be told to keep trees may reduce the removal process. He didn’t want that to happen, but said Comborrubias, who shared the ownership of the tree ownership, needed to be consulted.

Charugibias said that finally, his requests were ignored. Since then talking to the battle medications regarding his experience, and hoping the procedures will change.

County Supervisor Kathryn Barger has just been considered concern about the removal of tree during a public meeting.

“I’m very opposed to cutting under the bushes in Altadena if the householder wants to keep,” he said. “I was reassured that the owners of the premises were to be given at least five days notice before the removal of waste removal, and the opportunity to understand their property tree was unsafe or needed removal.”

Photos of a woman with a tree with a tree

Wyne Wilson explores the bark of Dedar tree quickly to be removed.

(Juliana Madda / Los Angeles Times)

Altadena Green – One of the Stephanie Landregan Construction Director, Director of the UCLA Construction Building and Arvergese Arks, Maggie’s Architecture Wynne Wilson – has raised concerns about war medicines over the past. Wilson hopes that the procedure will go a little longer as it fears so many trees will be unduly dissolved. He said a number of trees were well done, which would affect a complete examination of the tree life.

Wilson, who has lost home in the fire, making you wanting their commission to do so he is able to protect the beauty of the nature and personality of Altadena. For years, visitors will enter his garden to learn about indigenous plants and similar types.

“It is truly sad because the trees cannot ignore them – they need to care for them,” he said.

Trees are popular in Altadena, illustrated by civilian bonds in the environment. For some, their loss has seriously harmed, especially quickly after the disaster.

In the latest hot mountain, he saw several trees she did not believe to be mistaken in order to be removed. Between them – redwood and two sycamores. The resident had symptoms in the trees along the road, not far from the remains of his home.

“Don’t remove the tree,” warns messages. “Sycamores should be saved!”

Photos of leaves

The new growth of a full tree in the space is lightened in the sun in the Wynne Wilson property.

(Juliana Madda / Los Angeles Times)

Brandon Perez’s family home in Rubio Street is burned in the fire. After that, after all, the power company ordered them to remove the picture of the Italian gems.

“It was very disappointing to see it,” Perez, 27. “It was a second virgin.”

The tree had survived in heavy winds during Eaton’s furnace and a slight injury. TREECARARA arborort Nickasas Araya, who worked with the family, asked the idea that the drug could cause risk to the power lines.

“There is no reason to be cut off,” he said. “Everything – and I don’t use that name – all Los Angeles couples gather and try to find out how to prevent this.”

Ecalaveras Street, Comborrubibias have left for the first time since the trees cut. One of the trees was slaughtered his meditation garden, that was gone; One protected him behind the courtyard from the hot sun, usually as its dogs run under it. Squirrels and hawks can find breathing in branches.

Everyone that was left now was two stumps.

In his disappointment, the cuts were clean, unclean, leaving him with a small hope that he might grow backward. When other trees in his area stay, like a big elm of his home, the loss of oaks were heavy.

A picture of a woman in front of her home

Seriina CoviRrubias’ returns to his house to closing his trees.

(Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

Comparrubias, with a condition that is raised by smoke, knowing that they will be able to return home. First it will be in the next January, said, if the wind was safe from him. New loss of trees will make it more difficult.

Taking what was lost, calming stems of trunks. He knelt in front of them, at the same time, and paid him silently.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”

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