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ACTOR HERO FIENE-TIFFIN ready to return ‘Harry Potter’ Reboot

Character and manufacturer Hero Fienes-tiffin ready to return to Hogwarts.

“I can open 100 percent to return any character in the Harry Potter series,” Fies-tiffin, 27, only told US of Week Wednesday, March 5, when I went forward See this In Neuehouse Madison Square in New York City.

“Listen, tell,” He went on, before He did “to call me an act of His hand.

Fifees-Tiffin, who had played little pressure Tom Harry Potter and Half-Blood PrinceHe said when he was asked to return to the franchise on the expected restart, he could not imagine that he would be “anyone – not his name.

Explaining: “I don’t think I can be someone else,” he explained. “I’m not just the Team Tom Riddle, I’m Sylytherin. So if it’s another person, I think it should be a group of Syrtherin.

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On April 2023, during Warner Bros. Discipline, network revealed that the movement and reset TV resume JK RowlingIconic novels are the backdrop of the franchise of their distribution service, Max. “A long series of ten,” said the network, will include a completely new cast.

“The dedication of Max in the integrity of my publications is important to me, and I look forward to being a new transformation that will allow the depth of the higher rates.

If you look back at his sorting time Harry Potter and Half-Blood PrinceFieseseses-tiffin says “the coldest memory” is just “fun with Michael Gambathan. “

“I was lucky to work with her, and she is a cool boy,” Fienes-Tiffin said Us. “I’m like 9 or 10 at that time and just do joke at all times. Also, you have big hands. I don’t know anyone else. So I think like a child, are such fools. [that you remember]. “

The character and manufacturer continued to share with the Garbon, who played Hogwarts Heathister Albus dumbledore, “he had a garbon and” very good with children. “

“I am sure that most of the characters, Directors, Manufacturers, everyone, usually work with children,” continued using. “I think I’m 11 – I was 10, and I turned 11 – and when we shot it.

In February, John Lithgow Guidelines are confirmed that they will enter Gamon’s shoes and play Albus dumbledore in the coming Max series.

John Lithgow To Play Dumbledore in 'Harry Potter' TV Series: Reports

Related: John Lithgow confirms that you will play dumbledore in ‘Harry Potter’ TV Show

Jamie McCarthy / Pets Refresh 2/25/25 at 3:37 pm et – the Harry Potter TV show is officially with its first-cast John Lithgow confirmed reports that he would play Professor Albus dumbledore in the next series. “Yes, I was completely amazed,” the actor, 79, says he or she has done a part of […]

Lithgow, he said: “Yes, I was completely amazed,” said Lithgow, 79, said in conversation with her Husbandless At that time. “I just found the phone in collision with the Sundance Film Festival, and it was not a simple decision because I would explain to me in the last chapter of my life, I’m afraid.”

Like Lithgow, Fiennes-tiffin and look at his guess as an actor, to tell Us that you have loved “all the roles I have made,” especially its character in See this.

“I think it’s the first to go out” it has been completely happy. But to me, I always am happy to do the last different. So I don’t think I wish to make Rom-com immediately, but I’m sure of two, three time, I’ll be abandoned and I’ll want to do another rom-com again. “

Reporting by Antonio Ferme

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