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Active comment in Element Development: high tips

Recognition Behavior With Element Development: Active Local Design Tips

There are many ideas where the Wordal designers can support the formation of their ELORT courses. Also, as most of them have established a psychological field, they do a good job of deep drinking how people learn and the things influence their learning processes. The first of the learning ideas that will enter into this series of articles in the learning relationship and to uncover the behavior. We will start with a short return of the background and basic principles of behavior and continue by discussing 6 ways in which you can oppose good conduct in the development and structure.

What is the origin of moral behavior?

Behavior is a way of learning education that appeared in the early 20th century for psychiatrists such as BF Skinner and John Watson. This idea emphasizes an important role of environmental effects and five results playing in the way of people, especially children, learn. In other words, supports the idea that the new submission is formed in connection with nature, and the transformation may be reinforced, either good or negative.

Though all of that sounds very little, moral conduct is the root of many common learning methods, such as formal learning, repetition, quick answer, and rewards immediately. Behavior and seems definitely evidently in the form of levels, feedback, and rehabilitation with rewards or results.

Based on this information, there is much to link the behavior and development of element. Now, let’s explore some practical programs that you can use in your internet studies.

6 ways to use behavior with development development

1. Establish goals for moderate learning

Behavior based on a measured and visible effects. In fact, it was created to respond to material mental attacks, more focused on visible reports. Therefore, if you will use this idea to your ELORTS, you must set clear and simple learning purposes from transit. Specially, you should know exactly what you want to get to the end at the end of the course and arrive with certain Metrics will provide Internet monitoring whenever necessary.

2. Use Repeat

Repetition is the mother of study and essential behavior. Students must be disclosed in a new piece of information many times so they can keep and remember them in the future. Repetition, however, his masterpieces; To see the same information on top and above may be tested for maintenance but not engaging. The plan to use is repeated repeatedly, which includes leaving spaces between the definition of new information. Repetition can be easily integrated into your online learning course through Quizzes, practical exercises, and games.

3. Apply the answer immediately

According to behavior, students should receive immediate response to their learning progress. Reasoning after this is that it can improve learning correct behavior and errors, thus reducing the chances of repetitive errors. The most effective way of using this practice is on automatic queries. Specially, when designing questions, make sure it immediately shows that the answer is correct or incorrect than make disciples waiting. To explain why the answer is wrong will improve learning experience, provided the learners the necessary information to improve their performance.

4. Use the reinforcement of Geployment

Gamization includes various tightened strategies focused on potential behavior in good development. First, there are badges, success, and certificates that serve as more promoters to encourage students to keep participating in the learning process. Then, the former systems and leaders of the former competitors and promotes students to continue to improve and collect points to maintain their level of board. Another factor that is based on the use of progress and measurement programs. These visual learning instruction keeps learners joined and motivated by showing them how close they are at reaching a new level.

5. The number of blocks

Breaking details into smaller chunks, more controls will lead to better results when the tightness of strength in good development. In other words, you need to remember the basic principles of microlearning and give your audience with the language of the language that will be easy to understand and save. At the same time, MicroleNNNGNY confirms that the students receive immediate response to their development, thus improving learning experiences. This method will allow you to create better studying trip, gradually earlier learners from the right of difficult concepts.

6. Confirm formal reading methods

The structure is an important behavior, as promotes a clear framework and not only reading but also monitoring learning performance. When making a moraling course based on behavioral, it is important to have a clear structure in mind to ensure that the students get a fixed promotion, strengthening, and the answer. There are many ways to keep consistency in all your evaluation course, such as ensuring the modules following logical development, providing accurate instructions, and submitting the answer reports from time to time.


Belitengism has a dude history and continues to be an important part of the development and construction. It is an important tool for educators, who often add its principles into their cleaning subjects, whether deliberate, all the time, put simple reading material or adding items such as rehearsal, rewards and gamization. However, it is best to learn from the ethics of morality to better understand how and why you work, and increase the extra tips in this article assigned to the article. In this way, you will be able to use moral behavior in good nutrition and increase the impact of your ELORT programs.

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