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ACTG brings study in Croi indicating the growing risk of obesity and heart disease after switching to Inhibitor-containing the regorer

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Los Angeles, March 08, 2025 (Globalbe Newswire) – ACLAG, Global Clinical Focused at AIDS and a few heart problems in accordance with the following regimen without a regimen without integratory. They have not received additional risk of cardiovascular hearts (Mace), such as a heart attack or stripes. This results in repeated view (random test to protect Vascular events in HIV) shared by being made after the Retrovis changes

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Reblogging for the first clinical test of evaluating a basic prevention strategy to reduce the growing risk of heart disease between people living with HIV. It has found that participants who have taken PHelassitin Calcium (daily Statin compliance with their 36 percent risks in five years of tracking.

“This analysis from the ruling view provides a deeper test of the metabolic effect,” said Actg Chairman Joseph Joseph Joseph, Emd, University of North Carolina. “While many previous studies report the profitability of a variety of weights among the AIDS people who launched LeBibibibicicton treatment, which follows over two years after switching to Invibor.”

Today’s presentation estimates that we have switched to the Regimen based on view based on view, diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and the mace among the participants in recycling. This analysis includes 2,708 participants who have switched to the Inhiben containing a regimen containing the regimen containing, 82 percent include Dolutegravir.

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Among the participants has switched the Inhibitor-based regimen compared to those who did not, investigators measured the growing risk of growing obesity [hazard ratio (HR): 1.32, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.07-1.47]Diabetes (HR: 1.38, 95% CI: 1.10-1-1.69), the pressure of hypertension (hr: 1.6%, 1. 0.63). Investigators noticed that future courses to find that taking future studies is to find that taking future courses to find that taking the future. Inhibitors tend to lead to heart disease (including heart attacks and lashes) in a long period of time, as well as investigating how much methods can be.

“The risk of heart problems associated with the combined characters were smaller in this study,” says the Great Author and the Steven Grinspoon, MD, Harvard Medical School. “However, you are given that fatal amounts, diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome following disease replacement, and that all the necessary people are targeted by Rediometolic

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The recession began in 2015 as a partnership agreements (HL12339, HL12333, and HL12333, and HL164284, and HL164284) was a cooperative effort between the Health Centers and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Two major NIH centers, and ActG (AI068636). Earned additional funds from the Nih of Aids Research, Kawa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. (Pilatin Calcium and placebo suppliers), Gilead Science), Gilead Sciences, and VIV Scientecare.

Studies are led by Dr. Grinspoon and Pamela S. Douglas, MD, Duke University School of Medicine (PR.D, Harvard School Hospital (Stotic Str.d Hirvadets Stated Colode), WHO led to the data coordinator.

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ACTG is the Network Clinical and the largest health workout in the world’s largest health clinic and infectious clinics and their roommate. Is supported by NAID and interacts with NIh institutions. Founded in 1987, Act Guore research to improve HIV management and comirthities of it; Developing a cure for HIV; They also establish tuberculosis, hepatitis B, contagious diseases. It includes thousands of dedicated researchers, employees, and community members who pursue research on treatment methods and infectious diseases in four mainlands, with the great scientific development of the scientific development.

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News Details:
Rachel Reiss, ATGG
[email protected]

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