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A Japanese man at the age of 95 years of age is the oldest Vedskater in the world

When Ichi Marro competes in her first worldwide race over seven years ago in Moscow, the Japanese Perkskater moved snow around the jog. It took her longer for a long time to cross the finish line as most skaters that day.

We didn’t care, because Mr, Mr. Maruma was again increasing. He was 88 years old, and his time was fast enough to find a silver medal in his 855 years and older.

Since then, he only earns gold. Now 95, in his recent race, the national race in Japan in January, competed in the creation section of Him: 95 and above.

So far, she has all of us.

“I won the gold medal every time I appeared,” said Mr Marumo in a conversation at Chino, a small town in the horseback, the Big Japanese island. As evidence, he pulled out a bag of plastic baggage filled with more than 20 gold medals, including the Netherlands and Canada.

A small man with a slightly cited legs and a deteriorated smile, Mr. The Marus has been moving his whole life, but he started his competitive work when most people would be lucky to be alive. On his wall, the plaques from Tuinns announced to be the oldest competitive Speedkater. His closest rival is the Norwegian Skater little small. (An old active competition is currently 80 years old.)

The cluster binds wonderful and 100th century. Mr Maruma survived World War I Although volunteering to fly Kamikiki Mission, was given Japan’s emperor by teaching others how they had benefited.

To be the speed of water at his age is no longer involved in a lot of speed. In the press and a skintaight pants, you take away and drop snow, and take care not to fall. However, it is greeted by zealous cheers, coming back with weather and smile.

The race was not his opinion: a friend assured him to do as a Dare type. Now you see it as a fun way to waste her time left.

“I never expected the international race,” said Mr Just.

He has become a young celebrity in Japan, an elderly community who has seen a powerful enthusiasm in high games. The country produces some of the most old horns in the winter events, including two Japanese women who hold Guinness records as a reduction in cheers and the world. But they are five or more years younger than Mr.. The rumble.

“He is standing as a former sports postage in Japanese and maybe the world,” said Kenji Takai, Director of Japan Association for Masters Sports. “He encourages people to try to do what he does.”

Mr. Marumo and her fellow silver hairders also forced maximum sport boundaries. Soon, the Kings Term is usually used for those 30 years old and above, but Mr. The Maro is over three times this year.

At the Masters’ level, the acceleration is divided into five years, so participants can compete with other similar skaters. As the first racing of your home. Maramo, in 2016 at the age of 86, the Skating Federation of the Skating Federation has had to form three new categories, including 95 times.

“I hope you continue until we have to build a new fourth paragraph, with 100-year-olds and older,” said Mr Takai.

Mr. Maruma says he wants to ski when he is 100 years old, even though he may not do it. Have a few falls, but the worst came between his latest race in January. The Track was outside, and when the first gun, Blizzard was suddenly struck. Mr. Marumo fell in early early and couldn’t go back to his feet. Instead, rather, he cried out in snow all the way to line.

It took her 17 minutes to complete the 500-metres course.

He recalled: “My left leg has come to pain, but I had to finish.”

Then, he announced that he was retiring in a sport before his hernia surgery. But since you thought about the second thoughts and now you say you will come back and the next year if she feels strong enough.

Mr. Marumo said she had begun to go about 1940, when she was 10 years old. In those days, he binded iron fragments made by wood and raging with his rice schools across the paddies in Frozen. His childhood ended at age 15, when they were convinced that they gave themselves the commitment to the suicide of developing Americans in the last days of World War II. They were trained to be a radioman on the two-seat ball, war ended before his plane was sent.

Finding a second chance is what I taught him to do it is healthy, he said. After returning to the farm where he grew up, he saw a few of the celery. Vegetables were not rare in Japan, but found how it could increase the area on the ground, it turned out money in the Alpine area. In 1970, the Ruler of Hirohito saw Mr. Marumo about agricultural encouragement award.

He also became a Tamba lover, a brief type of poem. Mr. Marumo said the burning rhythms were like battle songs that had made her sure that they would die during the war, but she used her paths to celebrate the peace. In 2002, he took the magazine dedicated to Tampa, and published since then.

After the war, he kept snow fitness especially with exercise. As a member of the City Council in the late 1980s, Mr. The Marumo confirmed leaders to build a rapidly constructed city rink. But he did not think that he himself would be another day.

He was already 86 when a friend begged her to enter a race. “No one else is your competitive age,” said a report. “You will just get a lot of coming out.”

Being a competitive race has not changed his way of life, he said. The skating remains its primary source of exercise, and makes little or more training. “My philosophy is not to waste you,” he said.

He agrees to move, especially the oversight airplanes, but his forgetfulness makes it difficult. He once appeared to the airport without his passport, which made him miss his plane – and almost every race.

Nevertheless, Mr. Marumo said he was tied to speed, which has been a new way of celebrating a life that nearly abandoned by war – and that he is not ready to quit so far.

“I’m retiring once,” said Mr Marumo. “I don’t want to do that again.”

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