The Next Star Trek Movie Will Destroy The Franchise Make You Hate It

By Chris Snellgrove | Published
Since Star Trek Beyond came out in 2016, there was no new Star Trek theatrical tour. For a while, it seemed that Chris Pine and crew would get a fourth cinematic outing, but now, Paramount is reportedly preparing to focus on a Trek origin film that could begin production in 2025. This prequel film is designed to attract new. fans of the franchise, but there’s only one problem: its reported focus on humanity’s early interactions with aliens will detract from a very important part of Trek’s mythology and ultimately destroy Gene Roddenberry’s. lovely fictional universe.
Paramount once worked on both the original film and its sequel Star Trek Beyondand it was not clear which one would hit the theaters first. Now, Puck’s newsletter is reporting that the original film has a finished script and could get the studio’s green light by the end of the year, paving the way for production to begin in 2025. The film will reportedly focus on the creation of the Federation and early human contact with extraterrestrial life, but as this will be successfully revised Star Trek: First Contact and much more Star Trek: The Enterprisewe’re sure this movie will drive away more fans than it brings in.

It’s clear that Paramount wants this untitled homegrown film to bring new fans to the franchise in the same way Star Trek (2009) did. Puck reports that the movie will take place before the time of the USS Enterprise, which would make it part (as Vaety previously reported) of the main timeline instead of the separate Kelvinverse timeline. Not having to decide which timeline will make the film friendly to new viewers and showing the early days of the Federation might be enough to make older fans happy that we’re finally getting to explore this era.
However, there’s a hole in the plot big enough to drive a Borg cube: the movie will reportedly focus on humans’ early interactions with aliens. It was already episode of Star Trek: First Contact. After the Borg travel to the past, Captain Picard and the crew follow them to preserve the timeline, eventually confirming that Zefram Cochrane’s warp plane catches the attention of the Vulcans. This plot continued Businessa show that started with the first tour of humanity’s biggest star and ended with the founding of the Federation.

If the new Star Trek origin film is about humans’ early interactions with aliens, that means the franchise will be rebooting. First Contact completely. And if it’s about the early days of the Federation, the franchise will be rebooted Business because, by the time the Federation was founded in that show, humanity had been surrounded by aliens for 98 years. Simply put, the entire purpose of this original Star Trek film will not be served unless the studio gets the best film for the franchise and its best prequel series (sorry, Strange New Worlds) from the canon.
In our humble opinion, this is a game that will blow up in Paramount’s face and possibly take the franchise with it. Creating a Prequel Trek movie with an entirely new cast is an obvious attempt to bring in newcomers to the franchise who don’t know their Kirk from their Picard, but that effort will mean nothing if you end up alienating established fans. And make no mistake, Paramount is showing Star Trek fans that they’re willing to ditch decades of franchise canon for a soft reset of the original film. the will remove established followers.

Of course, the Star Trek origin movie has a lot of talent behind it: it will be directed by Toby Haynes, who handled episodes of the Star Wars series. Andor and the Trek homage episode “USS Callister” Black Mirror. But I’m afraid Paramount hasn’t learned from the criticism Adoption again Picard and will simply sprinkle sugar action schlock into the bowl of soggy nostalgia. Considering that nostalgia itself is of no use in a movie built on the graveyard of canon, Star Trek may be one tired franchise, much like its Paramount+ adventurer. NCIShe is just waiting for the chance to die.
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