The Best Dystopian Thriller On Broadcast Is Back, And It’s Building Bridges

Posted by Joshua Tyler | Published
In its first season, The beast was a series focused on solving a mystery. Finally, that mystery was solved. So what’s left The beast in its second season?
The first episode of For the Beast The second season, aptly titled “The Engineer,” takes this idea literally. It spends most of its time watching our main character use his engineering skills to build a bridge. Alone, in the dark, for an hour. No one to talk to, nothing to say. All Juliette, overcomes the fear of what she has learned by focusing on something she can control: solving a simple engineering problem.
With the mystery solved, to keep its audience interested, now i The beast he must build something.
First, the second season picks up where the previous one left off, with Juliette outside of her monster. You get ready and survey the ruin from above. The former Sheriff has mentally accepted the truth: he was wrong, and the face is hell.
Now, his main goal is to live, and he realizes that in this place, he will not stay long. Fortunately, Juliette bought herself more time by repairing the heat tape that destroyed her suit, in season 1. Despite her repairs, the suit would not last long.
Juliette goes to another cell, a cell with a darker history than her own. Everyone who lived there is dead, they are killed when they think it is safe to leave. Now, to keep herself alive, Juliette must climb over their rotting corpses to get into their empty but safe house.

Inside the monster, in the darkness, Juliet finds a broken bridge. On the other side there is light and sound. To find out what it is, he will have to cross the chasm. Once he does, you’ll need a way to go back.
Therefore, our innate repairman works on repair by building a bridge.
As he works, he also builds For the Beast the future as a television series. If you’ve read Hugh Howey’s books on which this story is based, you know where to go. Now for us, the audience, the hook that will keep us coming back won’t be a mystery, now solved, but we wonder if Juliette can do something worthwhile with what she knows.
It’s a bold start to the show’s second season. The series risks an episode with only one character, limited dialogue, and nothing but silent shadows.

The beast he pulls it off brilliantly, combining silence and darkness with flashbacks and relying on Rebecca Ferguson’s performance. He is still one of the best actors in broadcasting.
The beast season 2 was waiting. If this first episode is any indication, expect it to be even better than the first.

If you haven’t watched it The beast however, it is never too late to start. Season one and now season two, both available to stream on Apple TV+.
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