Best Black Friday Roomba deals: 45% off Combo j5+

A quick look at the best Roomba deals ahead of Black Friday

So many robot vacuums are on sale on Black Friday that decision fatigue is imminent — unless you’re specifically set on a Roomba, that is.
Roombas tend to cost less than competitors with similar features, so November is a smart time to buy one – Black Friday is known for launching record-breaking discounts on several Roomba models. As for where that happens, Amazon is the best place to find a Roomba for sale despite Amazon’s acquisition of iRobot (although the iRobot website has good options, too). Because iRobot doesn’t release new models for the year at CES in January like other major robot vacuum brands do, you can also be sure that the Roombas on sale on Black Friday won’t be sold out in a month or two.
How to choose a robot vacuum in 2024: Consider these 5 factors before buying
But wouldn’t it be great to get this Roomba in your home right away to prepare for Thanksgiving guests or take care of dusting holiday decorating boxes? Several Roombas are already on sale just weeks before the actual Black Friday on Nov. 29, including a hidden gem sitting at around 50% off that we’ve highlighted below.
This story will be updated whenever a notable new Roomba deal drops between now and Black Friday, so if you’re still waiting for a particular model to go on sale, check back often. Not sure which Roomba model is best? Check out my guide that breaks down the differences between the big Roombas.
The best Roomba deal before Black Friday
Why we love you
Being offered nearly 50% off the Roomba Combo j5+ in the weeks leading up to Black Friday is cool on its own, but the deal gets even sweeter when placed next to the current deal on the not-so-smart Roomba Combo i5+.
Mashable Specials
So for $100 Underneath than the $499.99 Combo i5+ – let that sink in – the Combo j5+ brings home my favorite Roomba feature, which leads me to award the Combo j5+ as the best value Roomba for mopping: iRobot’s obstacle avoidance technology that blocks the vacuum in trying to absorb. phone chargers or pet waste. I first faced avoiding small obstacles when testing Combination j7+and it’s the feature I prioritize most in vacuum robots now. If your previous complaint about robot vacuums was that you had to stack them so they wouldn’t get stuck while cleaning, this is a game changer.
Note that both the Combo j5 and i5 require you to be home to manually tap the water tank, and both can map your home and avoid (or deal with) carpeted rooms on command.
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Black Friday Robot Vacuums