California math and English test scores are rising, but the loss of the epidemic remains

Test scores for California public school students are rising — especially among Latino, Black and low-income children — but still lag behind pre-pandemic scores as most students place below grade-level in math, English and science, according to the report. citing data released on Thursday.
Nationally, economically disadvantaged students showed the strongest gains, with an increase of at least 1.4 percentage points for those who met grade standards in all three subjects. These gains come as the number of students facing socioeconomic disadvantage grows — nearly two-thirds of all California public school students by 2024 — an increase of more than 60,000 from 2023.
But even with the increase in the level among these students, their results were amazing: 36.8% were proficient in English, 25% in mathematics and 20.7% in science. Proficiency rate measures what percentage of students met California’s expected reading standards in a particular grade or subject.
Black and Latino students also saw increases in each subject of at least half a percentage point.
The Los Angeles Unified School District — and several school systems that include Compton Unified — showed particularly encouraging results.
State education leaders are focusing on the bright side of data.
“Today’s results suggest that California public schools are making encouraging gains in all core subject areas, and these gains are greatest for our most vulnerable groups of students,” said State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond in a prepared statement.
The Department of Education has administered the Smart Balanced test, which measures whether students meet government standards, since 2015. Students are tested in maths and English in grades 3 to 8 and 11. They are also tested in science in grades 5 and 8. like before in high school.
But the pandemic’s obstacles remain deep, more than three years after the education boom when California campuses were closed and many studied online for nearly a year amid the COVID-19 emergency. The growing benefits come as children and youth struggle with mental health issues and academic recovery.
The percentage of all California students meeting English grade standards increased slightly to 47% this year, up less than half a point from 2023, but remains more than 4 percentage points below pre-pandemic scores.
The statistics showed a significant increase among California students, with 35.5% meeting the level standards, an increase of about 1% from 2023. However, nearly two-thirds of students did not meet state standards.
Low science scores. Technology rose to 30.7%, and was less than 1 percentage point below 2019. But to put it another way, about 69% of California students did not meet the science grade standards.
State education officials also emphasized jump scores in sixth and eighth grade. The average score for sixth graders increased by 3.4 percent in English. Eighth grade math scores were particularly strong, increasing by 6.2 percent year over year.
Scores jumped significantly in at least three school districts, including LA Unified. California’s largest county and the nation’s second largest saw an increase that exceeded the statewide jump. English and math scores rose in nearly every grade and demographic group, according to data from the California Department of Education.
“It’s amazing that all the demographics have improved,” Los Angeles Unified Supt. Alberto Carvalho said in July, when he released the district information.
Not once before has LAUSD seen test scores improve across all grade levels since the testing program began in 2015, according to district officials.
In the Fallbrook Union Elementary School district in San Diego County, math and English proficiency increased by at least 5 percent.
In Compton Unified, math and English proficiency increased by at least 2.5 percent compared to 2023. Superintendent Darin Brawley, in a statement, said the improved scores were due to their instructional efforts, regular evaluation of performance metrics and the professional development they provided. its teachers.
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