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Five excerpts from a testy US Senate debate between Schiff and Garvey

The only debate in the high-profile California Senate race between Rep. Adam B. Schiff and Dodger Steve Garvey ruled on Tuesday a controversial discussion on many issues of national politics – from immigration to the economy, which increased the conflicts. in the Middle East, reproductive health care and global warming.

The sharpest exchange, however, has to do with the two people’s stances, which are very different from former President Trump.

Schiff, a Burbank Democrat with more than 20 years of experience in the House and leading the polls, cast Garvey as an inexperienced Trump supporter who would push moral standards instead of Californian ethics in Washington.

Californians, Schiff quipped, “don’t want a MAGA mini-me in a baseball uniform.”

Garvey, a Palm Desert Republican with no political experience but respect from his days as a Major League Baseball star, suggested that Schiff was too caught up in party politics and his opposition to Trump to focus on issues more important to California voters.

“How can you think about one man every day and focus on that when you have millions of people in California to take care of?” Garvey said. “I think it makes no sense.”

The debate was evident from the beginning. When Schiff in his opening remarks accused Garvey of ignoring Trump’s bad intentions — Schiff said he wanted to “be a dictator on Day One” — Garvey responded, borrowing Ronald Reagan’s famous line used in a 1980 presidential debate, “There you go again.”

During a separate debate on immigration, when Schiff accused Garvey of supporting Trump’s mass deportation plan, Garvey said, “One of the two of us is honest and straightforward.”

“I would agree with that,” Schiff replied.

The debate provided the last chance for the two candidates to square off in public before voters decide between them in the November election. Californians will be asked to vote twice in the Senate race: First, to choose Schiff or Garvey to serve out the remainder of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who ends in early January, and, separately, who should serve the next six. -Annual Senate term.

Tuesday’s debate was the first since Garvey and Schiff won the top two votes in a crowded field, with Schiff defeating rival Democratic Reps. Katie Porter of Irvine and Barbara Lee of Oakland. Polls show Schiff leading the way over Garvey.

Trump came out on top of the debate over immigration

The hosts of the quick, hour-long debate — hosted by KABC-TV in partnership with Univision and the League of Women Voters — asked Schiff and Garvey a series of questions about immigration and border security.

Schiff said the country needs to “control the border” with more staff and technology to interdict people and drugs. But it also calls for a “comprehensive immigration policy” that treats people humanely and provides assistance to farm workers and undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children.

He also criticized Garvey for supporting Trump, saying Trump’s plan for mass deportations would destroy the country and immigrant communities.

“You’re voting for mass deportation if you say you’re for Donald Trump,” Schiff said.

Garvey said his campaign has a strong focus on Latino communities. He also said that security at the border must be greatly improved. He said Schiff, along with President Biden, has created an “existential crisis” by supporting an “open border.”

“What we have to do is protect the border. We have to finish the wall. We have to bring back ‘living in Mexico,’” Garvey said. “We must strengthen our vigilance at the border. We have to go back to the facilities on the border that will detain these illegal immigrants, and have a justice system that will try them.”

Record numbers of people have been set at the US-Mexico border during the Biden-Harris administration, and Republicans across the country — including Garvey — are pushing to make border security a campaign commitment for Democrats.

“Most Americans are concerned about immigration,” said Mindy Romero, founder of the Center for Inclusive Democracy at USC. “The reason Republicans talk about it so much is because it works.”

While Garvey’s chances of winning the Senate race are slim given how deep California voters are, Romero said, he remains the top Republican in the polls after Trump — and what Garvey has to say about immigration could still be important to Republicans.

“In California, we’re not a monolith and we’re not all on the same page,” Romero said. “What Garvey says and does can help inspire and unite Republicans.”

Garvey struggled to articulate a clear position on abortion

The moderators sought, without success, to bring clarity to Garvey’s position on abortion rights.

He said he personally opposes abortion and would not support a state ban on abortion.

“I’m Catholic,” Garvey said Tuesday night. “I believe in life in pregnancy. I believe that God breathes life into these children. So I am unwavering in my pro-abortion policies, and I promise to support all Californians.”

But Garvey also pledged to “support the voice of the people of California.” He said he supports an amendment affirming the right to abortion to the state Constitution that was supported by two-thirds of Golden State voters in 2022 after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

If Garvey “listened to the voices of the people of California like he said, he would hear their voices loud and clear,” Schiff said. “The people of California want a national right to reproductive freedom and they don’t want government in the business of making that decision for women.”

Schiff has been a vocal advocate for access to abortion services, and said Tuesday she supports establishing a national right to access abortion.

A poll by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies in early August, sponsored by the Los Angeles Times, found that more than half of California voters polled – 52% – said that electing someone “who can be a strong voice in protecting abortion rights in the Senate” was very important to them.

Differences in the role of government in the economy

The difference in how Schiff and Garvey saw the role of government was on full display when they were pressed on how to deal with rising property and housing costs.

“We’re in worse shape than we were four years ago,” Garvey said. He said he supported free market policies, and knocked Schiff for what he described as “Schiff-flation.”

Housing is a local issue and more government regulation could lead to the government “getting too involved,” Garvey said.

Asked how he would help employers, he said he would do so by getting the US economy “roaring again.”

Schiff said he would support more direct spending on housing, as well as an expansion of Section 8 vouchers, the federal subsidy that allows eligible renters to find housing and private homeowners. He also proposed a “renter tax credit,” similar to a tax deduction that allows homeowners to write off their mortgage payments.

Garvey said he would support a tax on imports sent by “a company that threatens the success of corporate America.” But he said he would prefer to see lower taxes to encourage small businesses and reduce the need to import goods from other countries.

Schiff said he disagreed with Trump’s tariffs “across the board,” which he said would lead to higher prices for consumers. He said he would support “targeted tariffs” when China dumps cheap goods into the country “to try to put American businesses out of business.”

Feinstein’s legacy sparks debate

Throughout the debate, there seemed to be a lot of political tension for the woman chaired by Schiff and Garvey.

Right out of the gate, KABC anchor and president Marc Brown brought up Feinstein’s endorsement of the assault weapons ban in 1994, and asked Garvey if she would take any action on guns if elected.

“I believe in the Constitution, I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe that it will never be repealed, and we should not try to repeal that,” said Garvey. “I sympathize with all those who may have been victims of the shooting, but I think the most important thing is to do a strong background check that goes much deeper than today, in order to preserve the integrity of the Second Amendment. and be able to provide for people to protect themselves.”

Schiff said Californians need leaders like Feinstein who are willing to “stand up” to the National Rifle Assn.

“I would support a ban on assault weapons. I can support extended and routine background checks. I would support the expanded ammo clip ban and my bill, which would remove the NRA’s immunity from liability,” Schiff said. “Mr. Garvey was asked a few weeks ago if he would support any gun control measure, and his answer was unequivocal, no, that’s not what Californians want. Californians want a leader like Dianne Feinstein, who will stand up to the NRA.”

Later in the debate, Feinstein came up again, on the issue of environmental regulations — and whether Schiff would ease water restrictions on farmers.

Schiff said he would not “support deportation laws”, but would do what Sen. Feinstein, “which is to look for those opportunities where we can get a win, both for our farms, our cities and our environment.”

Garvey said environmentalists in the province need to work with farmers, and that he is a “consensus builder” who can help make that happen. He called water “California’s platinum issue,” and one Schiff doesn’t know how to fix.

Schiff would later raise Feinstein’s name on the economy, saying he recognizes that many in California are struggling financially and that he will work with “community leaders and stakeholders from all parts of this Golden State” on “Feinstein’s model.”

“Mr. Schiff, you are not Dianne Feinstein,” Garvey said. “I remember when this situation was beating the heart of America, and now it’s just a whimper.”

Schiff, in response, said that Feinstein was his friend, and he would never “make equal” with him, because he was “a giant.” But he suggested he was more like Feinstein than Garvey.

“When Mr. Garvey signed baseballs 37 years ago, I saw presidents of both parties and governors of both parties sign my bills into law,” Schiff said.

Back to Trump

After the debate, in a small sparring with reporters, both Schiff and Garvey returned to another politician who was not in the room: Trump.

Schiff said it was clear from the interview that Garvey is “for Trump” and his agenda.

“You belong to states that can ban abortion. He is against any kind of gun safety legislation. He is the one who turns on the oil spigots. “This is looking outside of Project 2025 and Trump, but it doesn’t fit in California,” Schiff said.

Garvey said he felt he was unfairly tied to Trump.

“People know that we are two completely different people,” he said.

He said Schiff’s attempt to “paint me on the right” won’t stand up, because “people know I’m conservative.”

Garvey declined to say whether he would vote for Trump in November, but confirmed that he voted for Trump for the third time in this year’s primaries.

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