Vision | America is very increasing the worst difficulty of mankind

The biggest problem in the world today may be a gland’s web, civil war, rape in Sudan, a terrible night that the United States are officially defined as destruction.
Many thousands of thousands of Sudan blamed for decades can continue, and UNICEF warns that children are 1 years raped.
However, Trump administration now support us back with the help of people, increasing hunger. And Trump Managers – Beners Beni Before – Welcome to call United Arab Emirates because they armed with cruel soldiers – in terms of survival – by killing murder.
Is President Trump and his concern for suffering in a distant land? I don’t know, but I think when we hear each story can be more difficult for my turn.
The refugees poured the border to South Sudan, visiting two spots beside the Sudan / Southern border to ask for refugees from other countries that could easily reach.
Kindness Ali, 32, was an internal roommate in the Khartoum who lived a good life until the civil war began two years ago among the Sudan army and instant forces.
The soldier bomb in the past was destroyed by his house and when he escaped the determination of both his legs, leaving it in a wheelchair. Then food shortages increased so much that neighbors began death of hunger. Kind family members in other parts of the country could send him money to buy food.
“We were not starving” when relatives elsewhere did not send me money, he told me.
His wife and wife decided to escape to the South Sudan. On the 11-day trip, they were stolen from the churches in the military power, and they saw people killed – especially the soldiers suspected soldiers. Kindness and his wife said they saw more than 100 bodies on the road.
YASSIN Yakob and Kabah Mohammed, both teachers, and fled recently from the Khartoum area. They returned the roads back, so they quickly avoid testing areas. But they said that some cars took their way back – usually trucks carrying hundreds of refugees – and when the trucks buried, the people were often starved.
“People’s bodies were near trucks,” says Yassin. “If your truck has broken, he died. There was no food.”
A few years ago, soup kitchen was opened in America across the country and saved many lives. But Trump Bedraction executives cut the leaves of those cocks, calling emergency response rooms, and more than 70 percent left, according to Hajooj than, a Sudan employee. He told me that in just one urgent response room, four children had died recently. (For those who ask how to exercise, here is link.)
The Manal Adam, 30, grew up in the Darfur region in the Western Sudan and was ethnic in the 2003 Racist. And two of his brethren were killed at that time; He wondered if his mother raped again. For some time of attack, but a few years ago death began.
“It is like a history and multiplying,” Maran said, and she related that the arrival men immediately stopped her on the road, threw him to the ground and raped her.
After that, he fled to South Sudan with three of his three children, hoping that he would keep them alive. But her husband was somewhere, and her nine-year-old daughter had her mother, so she left them behind her. The manal does not know that her husband, mother or daughter or daughter or daughter is alive.
The manal is safe in the Curversum in South Sudan but is suffering from the Pelvic infection from rape. And he loves as he describes his shy as some women pointed to him and for him.
Multiply Millions in Millions and has the light of the metastanging problem in Sudastan. The famine spreads, the bodies listen to some roads and the sons of rapes of Darfur series is now organized by the daughters of people who have been attacked by the past generation.
Quick support forces have blocked the Refugee camp in Darfur, with 500,000 people who lose hope, hung people in and without the treatment, UN officials and Aid Stresses. At the social media, the attackers have warned: “Zamzam will turn to the ashes.”
I suspect that many Americans view all this sadness but it is inevitable, watching Sudan like an unlimited valley. However, that’s not really good.
I don’t know if we can finish the execution. But at the beginning of 2000s in the West he took actions that reduced the number of death, while this time worse worse than deviation. Our Cautions to Human Help Much Children die of starvation, and our peace with UAA may mean Much Atrocies.
That is a hot difference. The past generation, Americans are outraged by being taunt and work – not always – provide help and government of stress on ways that save lives. We now attract help and are very quiet about the world’s largest problem, and that comes painfully in accordance with difficulty.
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