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Top 5 Hundreds of Cap Index has the best finance for 5 years: A NO bag. 1 We have transformed RS 1,50,000 investment in one time at RS 4,09,577

Top 5 Cap Cap Funds for Best Refund 5 years: The biggest Cap Index investors planted the highest 100 of Indian companies.

Therefore, they can catch the market fluctuations better better than the cap cap and small caps.

Funds follow leading indices such as nifyssts 50, Nident 50, 100 Nefy, and BSE Sensex.

As the money follows the indication, the Fund Manager does not need to research a lot of stock choices.

Therefore, money has a lower cost.

The biggest Cap Index fees fall into the AFTER Fund section.

In the opinion of the investor, they have the opportunity to invest in the blue chips from India for one bag.

Since money has a higher equal level, it is dangerous and as a result are suitable for long-term investors.

Here, we take us with 5 major CAP Index funds.

And know that RS 1,50,000 is the time to invest at one of them at the same time.

Uti Nifty Next 50 Index Fund Direct – Growth

The Fund provided 22.25 percent of the recurrent percentage of the 5-year period.

It contains less than management of RS 4,239 crore, while its total value of property (NAV) is Rs 21.7 as on March 13, 2025.

Attention to Nifty in the following 50th NIFTY TRI, the Fund has provided 12.17 percent of the recurrence of early June 2018.

In the total cost of 0.35% of the costs, the Fund has Rs 500 such as a low SIP and Rs 5,000 as a small amount of amount.

RS 1,50,000 investment funds for a 5 year bag is jumping to Rs 4,09,577.

DSP NIFYSTITE 50 Index Fund Dictionary – Growing

The Fund provided 22.03 per cent annually returning for a period of 5 years.

It contains undergoing goods (AUM) of RS 807 crore, while its property value will be set (NAV) is Rs 23.15.

Benchmark mark against the following 50th Nifty Tri, the Fund has given up to 14,84 percent revised back from February.

On average of 0.26 percent of the cost, the Fund has Rs 105 such as a low sip to investing and one investment.

A RS 1,50,000 investment at the same time in the 5 years transformed into Rs 4,05,905.

Earring Pududial Nifymsty 2010 Index is directly growth

The Fund has given 21.98 percent returned back to 5 years.

It is the size of the Rs 6,083 crore bag, while its unit price is Rs 54.47.

Attended Nifty in the next 50 Tri, the Fund has provided 13.98 percent of the returned percentage since January 2013.

In the average cost of 0.31 costs, the Fund has Rs 105 such as the lowest investment and investment sip each.

RS 1,50,000 investment at once in the Fund has jumped on RS 4,05,074 in the 5 year process.

Motilal Owal Nifty Next 50 Index Fund Disc – Growth

The Fund has given 21.92 percent back in 5 years.

Its Aum is Rs 270 Crore, when its NAV is RS 21.02.

It is considered considered by the following 50 TRI NIFTIs, the Fund has provided 15.30 percent of the returned percentage since December 2019.

On average of 0.36% of costs, the Fund has Rs 500 as Sip Butchom and Rs 510 as a minimum investment investment.

RS 1,50,000 investment income from the Fund has grown to RS 4,04,079 in 5 years.

Bandhan Nifty 50 Index Fund Proc-Ground

The Fund has given 21.21 percent back in 5 years.

Has aum of Rs 1,604 crore, when its NAV is RS 49.34.

It is considered considered against the Nifysy 50 Return Return, the Fund has provided 12,48 percent of the returned percentages since January 2013.

In an estimate of 0.10% of costs, the Fund has Rs 500 as the minimum SIP investment and RS 1,000 as a minimum investment investment.

RS 1,50,000 investment income in the Fund has jumped on Rs 3,92,449 in 5 years.

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