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Taking from our investment in Home staff in Saudi Arabia

In many countries, working as a housekeeper or nanny is a safe work.

But as we traveled in Kenya and Uganda, from city-intensive towns, we heard a variety of homosexuals: young women began household chores in Saudi Arabia, only when beaten, beaten, or boxing.

At least 274 Kenyans, almost all women, died in Saudi Arabia five years ago. At least 55 died last year, twice as much last year.

Autopsies only raise many questions. The body of a Ugandan woman showed great injuries and electrocution symptoms, but his death has been written “natural.” We found a surprise number of women who fell on the roof, bankconies or sometimes, opening the air-conditioner.

How is this possible? This was not a hidden thing with Fly-By-Night players. East African African women are employed by thousands and trained for well-established companies, and they were sent to Saudi Arabia through the control and approved by Uganda, Kenya and in Ndaka.

The Worker lawyers have long blamed the Archaic Saudi labor law. But we wondered if we were playing. We spent about a year trying to get it.

We also interviewed more than 90 staff and their families, and analyzed work contracts whenever we could.

We found that women from Kenya and Uganda were answered in Saudi Arabia for the promises of better salaries and opportunities.

Employment agencies and their vendors provide misleading information about income and make employees sign contractors that cannot read.

Some structures are women’s market as products. Agency websites give sales “sold” to customers in Saudi. We saw one that had a choice to be followed.

When women arrive in the Kingdom, employers often dream of their passports and their own. Kenyo keepers in Saudi Arabia work for $ 250 per month. But many women tell us that their new superiors wereted or denied salaries, declaring, “I bought you.”

Employment contracts also, whenever we find them, autopsies, police reports or official documents, we began to look at the women’s beneficial companies.

Corporate records and safety records led to strong, including officials that would protect these workers.

Modern officials in Kenya and Uganda and its families, we found, statistics with work agencies.

For example, Fabian Kyule Muli, for example, is a member of Kenya’s parliament and has a center that sends women in Saudi Arabia. He is the Chair of the Deputy Personnel Performance Committee, the employee in which the employee may appeal to employees. In some cases the Committee has ever been a report to send more people in Saudi Arabia, and to refuse the workers to be injured there.

In Saudi Arabia, the members of the royal family, including the Seed Faisal offspring, becoming larger investors in conventions that provide local workers. The senior Saudi officials also seize senior positions with employees.

Despite testimony years of abuse, leaders including President William Ruto Kenyan swear to send more workers overseas. One of his senior advisors had a labor company. So Sedrack Kenzaire, the Ugandan news recognized as brothers of that long-term country, Yowwer Museveni.

In conversations, women tell us that their supervisors in Saudi Arabia denied food, rape, they attacked the bleach or stabbed them.

However, East African African African Governments are not neglected from human rights activists and human rights to discuss better labor agreements with Saudi Arabia. Employment Agreements only enter the teenage protections.

The Saudi government states that its law enforcement and courts protect staff for abuse and help them seek to go back. But the women told us that they could not find such resources, and the police sent them back to abusive employers or government-sponsored centers that they felt as prisons.

Many abusers should pay their flight at home, despite the rules that they should not do so. Our reporting found that difficult workers often return home and break, disabled and suicide.

And in cases of serious injuries or death, families should wander a red tape web, neglect and non-defenders. In Uganda, Isissions Sisses was appointed and told us that his wife died in Saudi Arabia.

His employer gave him a choice: His body or his $ 2,800 on the salary.

“I told him that he sent me money or you didn’t send me money, I, I want my wife’s body,” Mr Waiswa said.

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