James van der Beek shows about the death of people in cancerous

James van der beek Show how hard it is the last year after it was found to be a stage 3 Colorculosis
The actor, 48, shared us that his health army made him question his importance and his cancer affecting his wife and family with the latest National Instagram video.
(Van Der Beek is still married to his wife Kimberley Since 2010 and the couple share six children: Olivia, 14, Joshua, 13, Annabel, Emilia, Emilia, Ngalwolyn, Jeremiah 2,
“It was a very difficult year in my life and wanted to share something I learned about Y’all,” van der Beek started to mark its 48th birthday. “When I was used to describe yourself as a player, who was completely about. And I became a man and that was best. At that time I was ultimate and that was ultimate.”
Van Der Beek explained that he explained “like a loving, capable, capable, supportive, father, a provider, the secular guard,” was “important to him. According to Van der Beek, his cancer threw this strong description.
And this year this year, I had to look at my death in the eye. I came to the nose that I died, “he said. “All those descriptions I have worried was shattered. I was not treated for me.
He continued: “I could not be a supplier because I didn’t work. I couldn’t even be a country manager because I was too weak to drink all medicines during the window to spread.”
Van Der Beek continued to explain that he would struggle to deal with the question, “Who am I?”
“So I faced a question that if I had been a very skinny, cancer skin, then, was a man?” This page Dawson’s Creek Alum displayed.
Finally, Van der Beek came to the conclusion he was worthy of self-love despite his changing life.
“I will also feed on the answer arrived. I must be worthy of God’s love, for I am worthy of God’s love, should I not be right?” He said.
Van Der Beek began to first find his cancer in November 2024.
“I work in secret with this diagnosis and have been taking steps to settle, with support by my best family,” he explained. “There is reason why I hope, and I feel good.”